Artwork comes from the popular Big Bible Challenge and the text has been written by the experienced children's worker, Victoria Beech. It's a known fact that students who have a mental, chronological image of historic dates have a better understanding of history. There are over 200 events from Biblical and World History that are included in this free, printable Bible Timeline as … And easy print options when you subscribe to our newsletter! If you enjoy the KidMin Power Pack & wish to receive future editions, you will be billed $19.99/month. We are so sure that you will love the  Print & Color Bible Timeline that we are offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee. If you are happy with the Power Pack and want to receive it next month as well, you do not have to do anything. Limited Company No. If the KidMin Power Pack is not for you, you can cancel your subscription at ANY time. Perfect History resource for Homeschool or Children's Ministry. Step-by-Step, DIY instructions for setting up your own Bible Timeline! ONLY Until We've Sold 250 Copies. I’m sorry the link was incorrect. Church Use Idea: Have each child color in one page of the timeline and work together to line up the pages in chronological order for display in your church classroom. Artwork comes from the popular Big Bible Challenge and the text has been written by the experienced children's worker, Victoria Beech.Ideal for use in Light curriculum groups, as well as at other children's events, residentials, holiday clubs etc. Understanding biblical history will not only strengthen our ability to accurately interpret the Bible, it will also help us understand that God’s story continues to unfold and we each have … We just released an amazing set of Bible Timeline Printables that will take you from Creation to the Resurrection, visiting quite a few historical events in between. The Bible Timeline's 16-panel design (eight Old Testament and eight New Testament panels) leads children from creation of the world in Genesis to the promise of Jesus' return in Revelation, using important events, significant characters and dates as guides. There is a beautiful Cover Page Instructions for Binding your timeline The finished masterpiece can be sent home for display in their room! The resources and products I create are designed to keep the prep to a minimum while also bringing a little educational fun to your classroom. 200+ Free Bible Timeline Cards to Make Your Own Bible Timeline! Registered Charity No.213422 (England & Wales). The files are delivered in PDF format, so you can download them to your computer, or directly to your mobile device.