Here in Florida, the extreme heat and humidity can be very challenging for much of the year, effectively meaning that it's only comfortable to play outdoor sports in the mornings (or to a lesser extent, the evenings) when it's coolest. They just are not as good as letting children direct their own play. Cleland, V., Crawford, D., Baur, L.A., Hume, C., Timperio, A., & Salmon, J. If you play an outdoors sport, then you are completely reliant on the weather to be in your favor. Nuances of neighbourhood: Children’s perceptions of the space between home and school in Auckland, New Zealand. Fresh, clean air means less exposure to germs. by Samantha Brodsky ... Wii games are more like adult-directed sports activities. You can rarely play table tennis outdoors because the ball is too light. Some sports clubs are warm, welcoming, and inclusive, but there are others that are a social nightmare. With all of the imaginary castles, lands, and creatures, the brain develops at a much faster rate than for those who play indoors. If you think about this, it makes perfect sense; teach a child when they’re young to love the outdoors and they will love it forever. Researchers have even gone so far as to study whether how close parents are to nature affects their children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med., 159, 46-50. doi: 10.1001/archpedi.159.1.46. Burdette, H., & Whitaker, R. (2005). Childhood asthma and indoor allergens: The classroom may be a culprit. Competitive eating involves consuming huge quantities of food in a restricted time period. , I Finally Found the Perfect No-Bounce Sports Bras For High-Intensity Workouts, Kaia Gerber Hangs Out With Jacob Elordi Again, This Time in a Low-Cut Floral Minidress, Catching Up on Vanessa Hudgens's 2020 Swimsuit Style — There's a Lot to See, This Quiet Tower Fan Is the Only Thing That Keeps Me Cool While I Sleep. The Disadvantages of Children in Sports. Tournaments and competitions out of town can result in large transport and hotel costs. It's easy to track your workout with the treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike's readout. It’s National Outdoor Play Day (the first Saturday in every month). Even if you beat them fair and square, they will imply that you cheated, or make up some excuse to try and take away any sense of achievement that you may feel. Now right about here some people may argue for indoor play. There's always some show off who has to let you know about how they have all the best equipment, the most expensive clothing, and how they undertake all the most prestigious coaching. Outdoors, a child learns on multiple levels with each new adventure (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005). How Do Norwegian and U.S. Kindergartens Differ? For sure, I've experienced many social, mental and physical health benefits from participating in tennis, soccer, rugby, badminton, and other teams over that period, but I thought it might be interesting and informative to list the negatives in an article. Researchers have discovered why children like video games. Oddly enough, research shows that the air indoors is actually more likely to promote asthma than being outside (Epstein, 2001). 7 minutes ago, by Navi Ahluwalia Nowadays, much of play is indoors. so i guess that ur statement is false. Doesn’t this sound like a poor substitute for playing outside? Over the weekend, I asked Facebook readers if they exercised inside or outside, and the answers were all mixed. This article lists ten of the main ones. Outdoor activities are fun and very helpful for children’s development. What are the disadvantages of playing sports? 2 Indoor game. Amateur sports are supposed to be about having fun, but try telling that to a sore loser. Pure, childlike freedom where anything is possible and anything goes. Hence, an indoor setting is almost always required. Often you are going to the same place to play the same game against the same people. Wells, N. (2000). The great thing about this is that it can have long-lasting effects (Cleland, et al., 2008). Sometimes an injury just won't go away and keeps recurring, whatever health treatments you go through.