a tone one chromatic half step below another:The flat of B is B flat. Meaning of flat. Learn more. In music, flat (Italian bemolle for "soft B") means "lower in pitch".Flat is the opposite of sharp, which is a raising of pitch.In musical notation, flat means "lower in pitch by one semitone (half step)", notated using the symbol ♭ which is derived from a stylised lowercase 'b'. gone flat • The effervescent eschatology of sunshine and wealth had gone flat. Flat is more than just a sheet music maker, it's a community. Every single day, thousands of new composers and musicians join Flat. BeBop: jazz form of the 1940's and 50's, characterized by fast tempo and complex chord patterns, played by small ensembles with often dizzying instrumental virtuosity. Share your music scores with them and discover the best creations made by our community. • Girobank charges a flat fee of £5 per draft and Barclays £9. flat definition: 1. level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts: 2. level but having little or no…. In music, an accidental is a note of a pitch (or pitch class) that is not a member of the scale or mode indicated by the most recently applied key signature.In musical notation, the sharp (♯), flat (♭), and natural (♮) symbols, among others, mark such notes—and those symbols are also called accidentals.. • What should be champagne music is no better than tepid Babycham that has gone flat. A flat sign means to play the key that is a half step lower, therefore if you come across an F note on a piece of music, it means to play the note that is a half step lower. Piano Battle #2. Definition of flat in the Definitions.net dictionary. 2,838,166. That note is F flat and it is the enharmonic of E on piano, a white key. Intonation may be flat, sharp, or both, successively or simultaneously. • Eventually, even her rage had gone flat and stale, leaving her with nothing but a sour taste in her mouth. In music, flat, or Bemolle, means "lower in pitch"; the flat symbol lowers a note by a half step. ... Rate this definition: Flat. (in musical notation) the character ♭, which when attached to a note or to a staff degree lowers its significance one chromatic half step. Flat users in 189 countries worldwide.