Yes, the word Hindu came later as a way to define the culture, religion, geographical region, etc., but modem Hindus do not separate themselves from the past cultures. It sounds like their decision had probably more to do with the trend in North American universities to be hyper politically correct, especially since “cultural appropriation” is itself a controversial concept. – Sutra 1.2, Patanjali’s Yoga … The Maharaja of Mysore — a descendant of the same royal family that patronized the Sritattvanidhi — hired Krishnamacharya in 1924 to open a yoga school and teach the royal family. The book dated back to the 1800s, written by a prince who covered an array of topics from music, games, to yoga.

In 1928, archaeologists uncovered a seal in the Indus Valley Civilization, which depicts a seated figure surrounded by animals. And rather than reading people who have picked some knowledge from secondary research, read about people like Maharishi Patanjali who compiled Yoga sutras and dedicated his entire life for good of mankind. I’m wondering what your source is on this?

vedas comes in wrriten form when writting techniques were developed. Yoga arrived in the West during the late 19th century.

A good conduct is to be learnt even from an enemy and a good lady is to be accepted even from a bad community. :) Thanks, Hi Timothy I have come across your article on the origins of yoga as I am starting my journey into yoga and it’s teachings this year, my journey will start at Krishna Village here in Australia, however I have been searching and reading different articles and there does seem to be a lot of different views most of which are confusing. I have credited the origins of yoga to the Indus-Saraswati civilization which both yoga and Hinduism emerged from. Further reading:Amazon Books - The Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Edition. There are 4 commonly accepted Pillars of Yoga: Raja Yoga (the Yoga of the mind and emotions), Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of love and devotion), Karma Yoga (the Yoga of inspired action and service), Jnana Yoga (the Yoga of inner wisdom and knowledge). So they dilute hindu identity to gain acceptance in west. You are again missing the point and I’ve already addressed this issue in my previous comment to you as well as in the text of this article. Yoga practice isn’t just exercise, it’s how skillfully we communicate and act in any given situation. i am a hindu.

People mistakenly think that the Yoga Sutras are the definitive text on Yoga and they are not. Hinduisam is not a religion but a way of living and strength of this way of living is its ability to respond to changing circumstances, acceptance of new ideas and changing accordingly.

in the 1950s (source: Earl Leaf/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images), Paramahansa Yogananda (source: Wikimedia), (source: Book cover of “Krishnamacharya: His Life and Teachings” by A.G. Mohan, Wikimedia), (source: Nobody60, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, Wikimedia), (source:, Popularized Transcendental Meditation and, This type of yogic practice honors the feminine (shakti) and masculine (shiva) energies within us all and aims to unite them once more through the tools such as, Tapas – Acceptance of pain as a means of purification & self-discipline, Svadhyaya – Self-study, introspection, mindfulness, & self-observation, Ishvara Pranidhana – Surrender and devotion to a higher power and a higher cause, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda,,,,, Abhyanga – An Ayurvedic Anti-Aging Ritual, Turn Your Bedroom Into A Calming Spa Retreat. Iyengar, Yoga teacher & author of “Light on Yoga”. The Rigveda is one of the oldest and most sacred books in human history, having been written 8-10 thousand years ago. The Bhagavad Gita can be interpreted as Vaishnavic or Advaitic and both of those are–you guessed it–religious philosophies. Dear Timothy, Very glad to read the content in your website. One example is how the Kabbalistic Tree of Life correlates with the cakras for instance, which is based upon number. Iyengar, Yoga teacher & author of “Light On Yoga”. At that time there were no abrahamic religion or other religion.There is no word for religion in Sanskrit or other Indian language,closest that come is DHARM which means your duty and right conduct.Religion is a western concept.hindu people started to behave like a religion when they feel threatened by abrahamic religion.Hindus were ruled by muslim for 400 years and by christinity for 200 years.Hinduism became religion in those 600 years of enslavement earlier it was just a way of life.christnians and muslims say that only their religion is true all other religion are is unfortunate that abrahamic religion are still trying to convert people into their religion. We should start by saying history can be subjective. so u cant separate hinduism n yoga. Yet you feel it necessary to spend time attempting to correct anyone who goes against your opinions (which as it stands, without references, is all they are), and rudely alleging they are Hindu Nationalists, rather than showing any understanding or compassion. I grew up with Yoga around me, but never got into it much.

Traditional yoga contained very few standing poses prior to the 1900s, as its primary purpose was not exercise. Letter Vedic people make them their god Vishnu’s avtar There a long gape in neminatha and parshva natha about 2000 years In that gape bhrahmin stole all concepts of shramans and made up a new religion called Vedic religion.

Instead, the early texts spotlight meditation and subtle body energies such as chakras and Kundalini. Tell the whole story. Do you have a pdf version to print, so that we can source your work. Hinduism is a term invented by the British to describe the various religious practices of Indians at the time of colonization. Much evidence exists of how this not only influenced, but more or less created what we call Yoga today. People in west also want peace of mind but cannot get it in their abrahamic or atheistic beliefs.So they turn toward dharmic religion and find peace in it.But it goes against your abrahamic or atheistic beliefs to find peace in other religion hence west created this term “spirituality”.In the name of spirituality you can appropriate dharmic religion the way you want like west has created Christine yoga,holy yoga.west is trying to digest yoga into christinity.

The word “Hinduism” is a western concept and it was created to group a bunch of beliefs and practices together into something that made sense to a western mind and belief system. Also odd that “Brahmins” is mentioned but again no Hinduism – I suppose Hinduism is only mentioned when there’s something negative to say. The term yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ meaning to unite; the union of the individual self with the supreme self. The Buddhists took great care in preserving their teachings, word for word, across many centuries and generations. I do not think you are doing it, but you simply cannot think outside your abrahamic framework. The real issue is the deception in the West to convince the masses that yoga is not a religious practice. It is the third limb, asana (AH-su-nuh), or physical postures, that most yoga practitioners today are familiar with. However, later on Brahmans corrupted the Gita by introducing the Varna system in Gita. 6- Dharana – One-pointed focus and sustained concentration. Yogananda’s influence on the West was most notable, and five years after his arrival he established the Self-Realization Leadership in Los Angeles, CA where it still remains today. Ehh, this happens to Christianity as well; I mean wasnt that the whole point of Islam, an effort to remove the self proclaimed ‘guru effect’ by having the last prophet.

That would have at least acknowledged Hinduism without letting go of the separatism you are clinging so hard to. We’ve done our best to summarize it here.

Is sound a religion, because it seems most people make it, use it, believe in it, even if they are deaf or mute, sound can be made with the body. Copyright © 2020 you have done a good practice of yoga. The bottom line of any deep study of Yoga history is that Yoga clearly belongs to no specific culture as it has been adopted and adapted by so many different cultures and traditions over the centuries. Don’t dare predict decline of Yoga in India. Yoga without Swami Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar School of Yoga, is nothing in present age. More so, we even believe and accept the atheists too. It was codified through hymns, and spiritual songs and chantings, than Varanasi born Patanjali codified in 198 Aphorism ,which was to have our own direction experience and perception of that practice ,later on it was very limited and only privileged to Brahmins and Arhankaras. When you hear the word ‘yoga,’ chances are that an image of people twisting in one presumably painful yoga posture after another might pop up in your head. For what end you and others are doing this I am unsure, but it would be naive to disregard the current popularity of Indian nationalism as a motivation. It is a false replacement for the one true God who created all things. rabi – I’m glad we are agreeing to disagree here, although I would have appreciated (and enjoyed) a logical rebuttal based on facts rather than a dogmatic viewpoint. lyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois, developed and popularized Iyengar and Ashtanga, two of the most well-known systems of modern yoga. When you click on external links, we may receive a small commission, which helps us keep the lights on. In the span of a few decades, Yoga has ballooned into nearly a hundred-billion dollar industry. There is no singular fixed yoga trad Further reading:Wikipedia - Yog Sutras of PatanjaliAmazon Books - Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by B.K.S.

“Nearly all of our popular assumptions about yoga theory date from the past 150 years, and very few modern-day practices date from before the 12th century,” David Gordon White, a professor of religious studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, writes in his paper, Yoga, Brief History of an Idea. I want to know more. I have an odd request. Like a lion need to eat lamb for it’s survival similarly west need to digest dharmic religion, Indian values into western culture,value,abrahamic beliefs to maintain it’s hegemony on the world intellectually. Most of the time Vatican or by the people who are Christian by faith. Yes, postures or asanas are an important part of the teachings of yogic philosophy and yogic practice, but they aren’t all that there is to it. No.