Remember to water the azalea regularly as it becomes established. They need acid, well-drained, organically enriched soil that should neither get too dry nor remain soggy. When flowering, azaleas should be protected from rain and hot sun to make the flowers last longer. Frost, inadequate water or drought during bud set can be factors that affect flowering as well. Azaleas (botanically, Rhododendron species) are members of broad family of acid-loving plants which includes heathers, laurels, and blueberries. Caring for Outdoor Azaleas. They were called Indian or … Soak the soil surrounding the plants to bring the shallow root system into contact with as much moisture as possible. Watering marijuana outdoor plants may seem like an easy endeavor, but there is more to it than just adding tap water. Azaleas are early spring bloomers, generally, and should not be pruned later than early summer or you run the risk of cutting off next season’s buds. Water azalea bushes three times per week during spring and summer. One of the most obvious factors of growing healthy outdoor plants is that you need to figure out how often should you water your outdoor weed plants.Unless you live in a place that allows you to grow cannabis freely, an essential part of determining your best watering method is secrecy and liability. Water with rainwater if possible as rain water is acidic (azaleas require acidic soil) and tap water tends to be pH neutral (7) or even alkaline. Azaleas often suffer from root rot when they are in pots without suitable drainage holes in the base or drip trays catch the water and the soil becomes saturated. Reduce watering during fall and winter to once per week, and only on weeks with less than 1 inch of rainfall. Non-blooming in azaleas can also be due to improper pruning. Caring for azalea plants isn’t difficult at all if a few simple cultural requirements are met. Healthy, mature azaleas can endure some frost but should be protected from colder temperatures than 40° F (-5° C). Azaleas (Rhododendron spp.) Rhododendrons and azaleas have much the same basic requirements for soil and water. While watering is not an exact science, it is important to know how much and how often to water and the best method to use. Watering Outdoor Marijuana Plants. Planting in heavy clay is a no-no: root rot often ensues, indicated by yellowing, wilting foliage and collapse of the plant. are shrubby plants with showy flowers and a neat and tidy growing habit. These azaleas grow from 3 to 8 feet tall. Placement: Azaleas thrive at a sunny spot, but during the hottest time of the day in summer it is better to provide some shade. 3) How do you prune an azalea shrub? Often called Japanese azaleas, evergreen azaleas arose after several centuries of interbreeding native species in Japan.