I’m using strokes that follow the contour of the skin. To complete the bottom lid, I’m drawing a stroke that goes almost straight down, but you can angle it out or in if you want. But it doesn't have to be. You can even throw in a few subtle strokes that go in random directions to mimic the fine lines and wrinkles of the skin. Try to make your veins even lighter as they reach toward the iris. (Step 22) Add shadows to the left of the eye…as well as a bit more shading below the top lid (to the left of the eye). For a subtle eye bag, make your shadows light. To draw eyelashes, we’ll need to sharpen our pencil first. This is called contour shading. Once you’re satisfied, it’s time to work on the eyebrow. Alright, side note! Starting roughly from the center of the eyeball, lightly draw a curved line for the top eyelid. If you haven’t watched the YT tutorial yet, you can click here to watch it. This could be a whole topic of its own, so let’s keep it simple. In i cover how to the eye from side view by using shapes, lines, and hatc. Something I like to do is shade the rim of my iris darker than the iris body to give it more contrast, but that’s completely up to you. Or maybe give me some adivce? I said that I would post it in a few days… However, I didn’t expect it to take more than two weeks! Let’s move onto the bottom lid, sprinkling lashes along the ridgeline that we created earlier (Stagger them in a sort of random zig-zag pattern). Again, where the hair from both zones meet, I like to taper them instead of crossing them over each other because I think when they cross over each other, it looks messy but feel free to experiment with both. This boundary line is different for everyone because there are so many different types of eyebrows. I hope you guys stay safe and are doing well. Technorati Tags: how to draw eyes, how to draw eyes from the side, drawing eyes from the side, eyes profile, eyes side, drawing eyes real, realistic eyes, Hi You can use flicking motions to achieve that effect. https://rapidfireart.com/ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Draw a very faint line at the end of your eye, another line from the cornea’s edge, and then a line that angles out from the eye, similar to the picture above. You can add wrinkles at the corner of the eye or at the end of the eyelid crease if you want. The wrong way and right to draw an eye from side in realism for beginners. Then inside the iris, draw a narrow oval for the pupil. But as you know, the human face is not symmetrical, nor is the eye itself. If you navigate to the video description, I’ve provided you with timestamps so you can easily and quickly find the section you need . Lashes located near the corner of the eye are usually shorter, thinner, and therefore appear lighter. Drawing an eye can be tough. (Step 12) Add a tiny bit of gray to the highlight…also add more lines outside of the pupil. Once you’re done with zone 1, move up to zone 2, drawing hair that points down, toward the left. In large areas of my drawing, I wrapped a tissue around my finger and swiped gently from the lightest to the darkest area. How to draw a nose from the front – 7 easy... Dollarstore Mechanical Pencil (Studio brand) that comes with 0.5mm 2B Lead, Facial Tissue by Scotties: https://amzn.to/2XNOqfw, Prismacolor Kneadable Eraser: https://amzn.to/2IRrYtR, SmudgeGuard Glove: https://amzn.to/2C7Sq14, Homemade Blending Stump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmstMj8B3xk. You can shade the brow area however you want to define a brow shape that you prefer. I’m going to lightly blend the eyebrow out using a regular facial tissue wrapped around my finger. Right where the eyelid crease is, create a gradual value change from dark to light as we shade our way down. Let’s shade the rest of the skin and then we’ll move onto the eyelashes. Try to angle or space out some of your lines randomly and vary the thickness to make them look more natural. Alright, before blending, we need to make sure our shading is as smooth as possible, so that means making sure there are no gaps between our strokes and that any blotchy areas are reduced to the best of our ability. As a person you struggled throughout elementary and high school, I like to explore more effective ways of teaching. This is how I get rid of blotchy areas to make the drawing look even smoother. It can cover part of your iris or expose it completely, then wrap the eyelid around the other side of your eyeball. Then finally I add details. If your drawing doesn’t pop enough, try cleaning up the brightest parts of each highlight or using a white gel pen/correction fluid to make the highlight a bright white. Now the cornea’s outline is no longer visible since it has blended into the background. After blending, we now have a base layer of cast shadows / subtle hair that we’ll draw on top of. I like to use my kneaded eraser for this, by rolling the end till it’s pointy and then dabbing the graphite away. It doesn’t have to be perfect because we’re only going to use it minimally during the construction process of our eye and then we’ll erase it completely. Alright, it’s eyelash time. These lines and squiggles are all part of the iris, so we’ll need to shade them similarly to how the iris was shaded before they were added. So whether you’re a beginner or seasoned artist, you can still follow along. I blended my entire drawing at the very end to keep the Youtube video short. Lightly draw or trace a circle for the eyeball. Such as vary the length, spacing, or amount they curve. Let’s shade the skin, starting with the top eyelid. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. To draw eyes, start by drawing two almond shapes with the inside corners tapering down. If it still is, you may need to erase it slightly or shade the surrounding area a little darker so it blends in/disappears. In terms of sizing, the cornea’s length is roughly half of the eyeball’s diameter (or the length of the radius). (Step 8) Add tint to the iris of the eye .. with the side of your pencil. If you want, you can add obstructions in the highlight like the silhouette of a person standing in front of the window or some curtains. Keep your pencil strokes extremely light so that your outline won’t show through later – That would take away from the realistic effect that we’re going for. Oh, and shade around the outside your pupil if you want the area to appear deeper. But I highly recommend blending as you go because it’s a lot easier that way and you can avoid smearing your work during the process. Okay, I think that’s enough for the eyebrow! (Step 9) Add shadow to the upper lid. You can easily dramatically improve your drawings today with these. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing. But you can also use a folded tissue paper: As you blend, follow the direction of each eyelash, being careful not to smudge them. You can draw them all over and spread them out pretty far if you want the eyebrow to look unplucked. I like to draw these ones lightly. This will make the skin actually look as though it’s creased. Your eyelashes can curve more or less. Watch more how to draw & illustrate videos. If you have any questions, leave them down below. Watch this tutorial to learn how to draw the female eye from a side profile. Much of issues covered relates to any othe. They’re just rough guidelines. To draw the bottom lid, create a curve where the two eyelids meet and then continue your stroke toward the bottom of your iris. After that, let’s shade the lower section of the eyelid because the skin curves away from the main light source. Refer to your light source again (mine’s in the top right) – Subtly shade the eyeball lightest where it faces the light and darker where it faces away from the light. Erase part of the eyeball that crosses through the iris/cornea. Let’s add some highlights in the eye. To find more detailed drawing tutorials, check out my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/RapidFireArt. Where the skin starts to curve away from the light, I’ll shade it the darkest. Now draw the iris by creating a curve that touches the top and bottom of the cornea. For the bottom eyelid, I’m shading along the top edge, while leaving a narrow space for the eyelid’s ledge. We often draw the eyes as symmetrical ovals and think of them as being mirror images of each other. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing. Good luck and have fun! Anyways, that’s the detailed version of an iris. But before we draw any hair, I’d suggest that you blend your shading now because it’ll be quite difficult to blend around all the individual lashes. Much of issues covered relates to any othe. Areas that don’t have enough graphite can be filled in using a dirty blending tool (this also blends the drawing at the same time). (Step 8) Add tint to the iris of the eye .. with the side of your pencil. So if you want to draw narrow eyes, keep that in mind: Alright, moving on! You can cut the eraser to make it as pointy as you require. Now there’s a clear difference in value between the two zones, making the hairs point out toward the viewer instead of appearing flat on the page. If the line of water doesn’t show up well, shade around it slightly. Watch this tutorial to learn how to draw the female eye from a side profile. When the tissue becomes too dirty, fold your tissue again using a clean spot or just rotate it to a cleaner spot. Once you’re happy with the shape of your eyebrow, erase the 3 guidelines. If you’ve already blended your drawing throughout the tutorial or you’re not interested in blending, please skip to the section on how to make the drawing pop. If we shade them darker, we can give the eyebrow more dimension (depth). You can draw lighter than mine if you want a more subtle appearance. Give the remaining sides of the triangle a more natural contour. How To Draw An Eye Eyes Easy Side View Drawing Step By Tutorial For Beginners Play | Download, Drawing A Realistic Eye Side View With Graphite Pencils Play | Download, How To Draw An Eye Eyes Easy Side View Drawing Step By Play | Download, Pen And Ink Drawing Tutorials How To Draw An Eye In Side View Play | Download, Dos Don Ts How To Draw Realistic Side Eyes Step By Art Tutorial Play | Download, Learn To Draw Eye Side View Play | Download, How To Draw A Realistic Looking Eye Drawing Tips Play | Download, How To Draw Eyes From The Side Play | Download, How To Draw The Eyes Side View Play | Download.