Point being, an ENFP/INTP is not only a good combo but a super fucking great one, in my opinion! INTPs prefer logical and balanced communication; ENFJs should avoid being overly emotional. I love INTPs so much... but they have to be kind, supportive, and be willing to listen. The ENFP person may look at ways to make the world a better place while the INTP person will do research into technological advancements that can help drive the world forward. How can INTP and ENFJ types communicate effectively with each other?. Their emotional … Your values and ideals may coincide perfectly, but if you can't agree on how to conduct day-to-day matters, your relationship will always have friction. ENFP Extraversion The ENFP prefers extraversion to introversion. **DISCLAIMER** It does not REALLY matter what your personality type is in terms of friendship and relationships. 1 They rely heavily on conversation and intellectual discussion to form bonds, and a big part of that is the ability to talk about ideas and abstract concepts. INTP friendships with SPs INTPs have trouble forming relationships with the personality types who lack an intuitive function . This can allow them both to go out often together. The INTP’s dominant function of Introverted Thinking is best suited with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Thinking. Under high stress, this function feeds the INTP with a running commentary on what the relationship should look like, what the ENFP should be doing, all of the things that the INTP has perceived is out of order in their relationship. The ENFP gets energized by people and possibilities. INTP + ENFP Friendship So a few weeks back one of you asked me about this and I’ve failed to make good on my promise to post last week…I blame 3 days of power/wi-fi outage, planning for my 10-month trip to Prague, and that damn P preference XP Extraversion and Extraversion Two extraverts will both get energized by being around people. INTP (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe) + ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si) Potential for Conflict: Ti v. Te: INTPs are deliberate analytical thinkers and ENFPs can be a bit resistant to impersonal critical analysis, thus INTPs might view ENFPs as irrational or illogical, and ENFPs might view INTPs as too critical or stuck in their heads. "If ENFPs have great vision, INTPs have great distance. 4. An INTPS romantic partner is often also their best friend, confidant, and source of emotional support. Too much extraversion between people can lead to a lack of downtime and reflection, however. INTP and ENFJ personalities are Intuitive; they prefer to focus on the future and think abstractly.Their common trait of intuition can help them relate and empathize with each other. INTP may also make a great partner, since they too can balance out an ENFP. INTP’s natural partner is the ENTJ, or the ENFP. Their playfulness, depth of knowledge for interests, challenging nature, and ability to introduce different perspectives fits perfectly with ENFP traits. [see this post for relationship tips]. INTP and ENFP in Daily Life Lifestyle is an under-appreciated—but extremely important—element of compatibility.