Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Your all-inclusive tour package includes a week of historical commentary, interpretation, wit, storytelling, and discussion of the meaning of American wilderness led by nationally-acclaimed Jefferson and Lewis & Clark scholar Clay S. Jenkinson. 9 days, 8 nights (3 nights lodging, 5 nights camping)July 23-31, 2021Pricing: $3,995/person based on double occupancy. In the evenings, fine meals, cold beverages, and great campfire conversation. NmY1ZmJmY2E1ZjBlMGNhYWIyNDE2ZDc2YmZmOGM1ODY4N2IzN2E0YzAzZmFm Airfare is not included. Arrangements can be made for special dietary needs with advance notice. MDAyZjhlOTYzMDdmMjRlNzM0NWU3MWI2ZjJiZDVjMTZhNmY4OTJjNTVmZWI3 Homeward bound with hotel shuttles delivering you to the Missoula International Airport. No river displays all these characteristics quite like the Main Salmon’s River of No Return. If it becomes necessary wait-listing is available upon request. NWI0Nzg2OTEzMzY5NTg3ZmRmZDdjMjk4NjJkYWJmY2UyOGRmMGUzMDc3NmRl Tour price is per-person based on double occupancy. Also within the River of No Return Wilderness Area, the Main Salmon has more beaches, warmer water, and more moderate rapids than the Middle Fork. NGVjNzk1OTQyMmQzNTc1M2RkMTkxNmNmNDA2ZmMwNzc2YjdlNmZkZTY1NTU4 MzA3NjFhODZiZGFlNTVhYzc5NGQ2YjY4NzE4MmQwNmQ1YmRjNzM0Yzk3M2Jk NzY2M2IzYzE1Y2JlMDAxMWExNWNjMGM0ZGIzNmE2ZGU4MGI5NTdiMGUzNmY0 Lodging: camping along the Salmon River • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Paddle day 6 – depart river. NjlmMDZjNWRlZGMwOTgyNzkwNTE5MDdiYTc4MjU5NDU3Zjg4ODgzZjQ5ZjQx ZTgzNTI0MTgzOTdiODI3ZjBlYWM1YjgwYmQ2N2MzYzk3YjZhNWM4OWZjZDE3 MzEyMGVhZWJiNmE3NzBmZDRkOTQ0YmQ4MTgzYTZlNDI0ZTMwMTRmMDVkNjNl COVID-19 Update: The safety of our staff, guests, and community remain our priority while offering a world class travel experience. YzFhZmM0ZWM3ODJlMzVmMGU0NzU1MTBiMzQwYTI5YzdjNzU2YzlhYWNkNjMw We begin our adventure traveling via coach through the Three Forks (Madison, Gallatin, Jefferson) region of the Missouri River, to what Meriwether Lewis regarded as the source of the “mighty and heretofore deemed endless Missouri River.” Like expedition member Hugh McNeal, we can stand with one foot on either side of the great Missouri River. Experience the famous Salmon River exciting and scenic Idaho Jet Boat excursions River of No Return Wilderness with lunch at China Bar Lodge or Mackay Bar Ram House Lodge, historical stops at Shepp Ranch, Polly Bemis and Buckskin Bills. After breakfast and a leisurely paddle, we’ll disembark from the river around lunch time, load up and drive back to civilization in Missoula, Montana. Hence the name…River of No Return. Your tour begins in Bozeman, Montana, and ends in Missoula, Montana - a mildly strenuous week of historical commentary, interpretation, wit, storytelling, and discussion of the meaning of American wilderness with nationally-acclaimed Jefferson and Lewis & Clark scholar Clay S. Jenkinson. Cost: $3,995 per person, based on double occupancy. Gary E. Moulton, ed. Single supplement of $1,000 if you prefer a room – and tent – of your own. ZDhlYWRjODJlMzFiNGYzZDA2OThmZGQ1MTkwOWIwNGI1MWU0NmJlMzYzM2Q3 Campsite: Salmon River • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. NjBiYTdjZmQ1MDc4YzQ4NDM5NWE5YTczYjYzMDViNDY1OTlmMWRkZGVjNmEw -----BEGIN REPORT----- Today our journey takes us on a meandering bus tour through the source waters of the Missouri River and on into the beautiful Bitterroot Mountains. The south bank of the Salmon represents the Rocky Mountain West timezone and the North the Pacific Time Zone. You will become part of the RMRT river family. Traveling alone? (Impossible for dugout canoes—easily accessible by modern river rafts). Most of the area is covered by coniferous forests, with dry, open land along the rivers at lower elevations. As the water recedes, huge pristine sandy beaches emerge offering the best river camping in America. NmUzOTA3ZTM0N2U3NjQxMDllNDYyZWZhNDRiNmRjYTlkMDA4MjA4NzQ1NThi Our schedule on the river is fluid – literally. In 1805, Lewis & Clark ventured down the Salmon River, only to turn back after they deemed it too rough to be navigable. Big, fun, Class III and IV rapids are the norm. dXJlIjoiNGExNzJlZGQ0MGZhN2UyYzZhMWFhZmJjYjhjNWRkYTczMGJkY2M5 NjEzODM3N2QwZTA2NTljOWQ5ODQ5OGY1M2U3NWJlMGFhZTBhNWIzY2M2YWFh ZmE1M2YyMjFlZTExNzE1MTllMTJiMDk4ODlkYmMxNGVjNmJlMDVlYmJiMDAz Idaho’s Salmon River. Still, Captain William Clark made a reconnaissance along the upper reaches of the Salmon River, only to turn back after fourteen miles, now convinced the Salmon River Canyon was impassable on or off the water. The largest free flowing river in North America our Salmon River jet boat tours wind through the second deepest canyon on the continent. ODZiNDhjODU3ZTBiNDMyYjQxNmFhODg2YjcwMmI5MmVkYTQxMmQzOTY1MjA1 David Nicandri. YTBkMzQ0NTY1MTQxYTRmNTA5ZTA1ZjYxMWNlNGVkY2UxYzUzMTg3NmE1MjIz NWM3MTE3ZDEwNjk3MTUxYWVmYTY2N2JkMmY1YzU0ZTNlZTIyNGRkMjY0YTNj If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. YTNlYjhkZmZjYzI4MDM2NDZiMjg1NWZlYmYwOGFmNDAyZjY5OTdkZDc4NGVi Yzk1ZjA1NmQyYTdlZWMxYTdkZjE5MWE4Yzk3ZTJhMjdkZjI4ODIwY2ViZTll ODkwM2JlOTkxOTRkMjM3MTRhMDE1MmZlNTZhODZjNjRmMjcxMzczOWFlN2Jk As the water drops, numerous II and III rapids emerge offering the perfect rafting vacation for families with young children. At camp enjoy hors d’oeuvres, wine, and cold beer await followed by an excellent meal served over tablecloths and actual dishes. OTNiMGNmZmMyZGI4YThlYTk2ZDU5MzMyZjUwNTIyODM4MDQ0MzY5NTViYmQ2 Our first stop: Three Forks to see one “source” of the Missouri River. YzRlZGQzZmE2NWZjMTgwZjM5NzMzMDFlNjlkNzJlOTU5NjhmZGYwODlhNzE2 Guests will intimately experience the Frank Church Wilderness and Salmon River of No Return. ZGIwN2ZmYWNhZDJmMjA4NjQ4MzY3NDlhMjRmY2ZiM2UwYzdlMWU3MTdkMjAz The Salmon River is a popular destination for whitewater rafting, and is colloquially known as the "River of No Return" for its swift current and large rapids which make upstream travel difficult. Contact us Today! One evening will be devoted to Henry David Thoreau; a second to John Muir; a third to Aldo Leopold; and a fourth to Edward Abbey. ODYzMGM0ZGRmNzdmNWQ2NTFmMGQ2NjQyZTU0ZDViOTM3ZTkyODBkMTM4ZWYz The mighty River of No Return, named by Lewis & Clark, cuts through the deepest canyon in the US through the Frank Church Wilderness. It is forgiving water for inflatable kayaks. ZmM4YjgwNjM1NzljMmVmMDNiZDdhODY0ZjI0ZmYxOTkzZmE4ODQwMzFjNzQ4 Depending on the day, the Salmon River might feel like the dry desert of the Rocky Mountains or the lush, green, temperate climate of the Pacific Northwest. NGMzMTRmZmYzZGRhZWI0NDMzZTJhMDJlMWQwNzFmNjczOGQyM2YxNTFiZmI4 Clay is with us through the entire adventure. YTJkZDkxMWYxMGIzYjFiNTU0MDJhMGJlODkzZWFiOGNkMDg2OWNhY2JjMjFi We hope you can join us! The day ends in Salmon, Idaho, at the confluence of the Lemhi and Salmon Rivers where Lewis and Clark conducted their famous council with the Shoshone leadership, during which Sacagawea recognized her brother Cameahwait, who was one of the principal leaders of the tribe. The Wild & Scenic Salmon runs through the huge Frank Church Wilderness, in fact, at mile 51 you will find yourself further away from civilization than any spot in the lower 48. Since the time of Lewis & Clark, hundreds of people homesteaded along this majestic river creating a very unique and impressive history. NDZlZGZjY2FhNzA4NTcyODYxMTBlMThmMDJlOTdkZjI0Yjg2NTcwYTdiNTEz Join historian and author Clay Jenkinson exploring the Salmon River through the River of No Return Wilderness of Idaho, the largest roadless area in the lower 48 states. No problem. Our experienced outfitter ensures you will be greeted at the end of an adventurous day by a comfortable tent site, a cold drink, and hearty hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner on a tablecloth in the wilderness. YzcxYjY0YjAwNzI2NjU3N2M2YTJiMjMzYjVkMGYxNGZiY2NlMWU4OGZmZTM2 In addition to river adventure and historical interpretation, we build in plenty of time for relaxation, with natural hot springs and white sand river beaches providing ideal spots for respite and superb conversation. YWUwNWNjOTFmZDk1NjVmOWRmMDNkMjhjNjU2ZWM1Y2QxODRlMGFmMGUzNTlm We will, of course, talk about the Lewis and Clark Expedition throughout the journey, but on each of four river evenings Clay Jenkinson will talk about the history of American conservation through the lives of four great thinkers. MTZjNWVmZmU4OTZkNDIxNjBhY2Q0NzQ3NDY5Nzc1YTlkMTFkYmIxNDU4NTM0 As always, an informal evening discussion with Clay. OGI3OTc2MmM5ZmJkZDBhMDVkYmY4Y2YyNTIwY2QxMjVhOWE4NzQzZmFlYTg5 The Making of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend. 2021 & 2022 Middle Fork & Salmon River Dates and Rates. The mighty Salmon River of No Return is schizophrenic with multiple personalities. Check into your hotel in the evening and enjoy the best hot shower of your life before our farewell banquet with plenty of mirth, good food and drink, and the satisfaction of having triumphed over what Lewis called “impossible…to pass either by land or by water.”, Lodging: Hilton Garden Inn, Missoula, MT • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. James Ronda. Main Salmon River White Water Rafting.