Does anyone know if spirit vinegar is allowed in islam? Based on that, the vinegar that comes from the Jews and Christians is halaal and pure, because they did that on the basis of their belief that it is permissible, hence they are not to be prevented from drinking wine. Answer. If yes, when? More than just a condiment, mayonnaise is a versatile ingredient that can be used as a substitute for eggs to bake moist cakes and bread. The Hanafis say – and this is the more correct view according to the Maalikis – that it is permissible to turn wine into vinegar, and it is permissible to eat and drink that vinegar, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “What a good condiment vinegar is” in general terms, without differentiating between vinegar that is produced by subjecting it to a deliberate process and vinegar that results from a natural process. By using this site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ), honey, and even synthetic products such as natural gas and petroleum derivatives. Wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar are considered Haram as they contain a substantial amount of alcohol. You should be aware of reality and not issue fatwas without knowledge. They explained that by saying that the reason why it is impure is that it causes intoxication, but the intoxicating effect has been removed, so it becomes halaal. Question: Are all kinds of vinegar Halal, and which kind is Haram? However, if the change is a result of putting something in it, I say that it is still impure. So, the ruling of wine does not apply to it anymore and we are still allowed to use it. Abu Hanifah, Al-Awza`i and Al-Layth consider it pure.'. All the other types of vinegar are considered Halal. As far as my research, vinegar is produced by using various things such as fruit and fruit juices (lemon, dates, grapes, raisins, coconut, sugar cane, etc. What about certain vinegars especially cider vinegar which has a 0.5 or 1% showing on the label is this percentage not referring to the alchohol content. The view of the Hanafi scholars and those who follow them in this respect seems to be strong. Wine does not become clean when somebody transforms it into vinegar. Is this the religion of Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)? With regard to treating wine so that it becomes vinegar, by adding vinegar, onions or salt into it, or putting it on the fire for the purpose of turning it into vinegar, such treatments are haraam according to the more correct scholarly view. Manchester (March 2008), International Naat Conf. What is put into it also becomes dirty. The list of doubtful food and drinks for the Muslims living in non-Muslim countries is longer. (Bayhaqi, es-Sunanul-Kubra, VI, 37, no: 11532). So you have to check if your spirit vinegar contains any leftover alcohol. That is also because subjecting wine to a deliberate process to turn it into vinegar removes the evil characteristics [of wine] whilst leaving the good characteristics, because it contains some characteristics that are beneficial for medicinal and nutritional purposes, and other purposes. All of these things are made of wine first, then after that they treat it and turn it into vinegar, so that the taste will be better. Answer: Concerning your question, we’d like to cite for you the opinion of the prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, on this issue: "Muslim scholars unanimously agree that if wine turns into vinegar by itself, it is lawful. Anas b. Malik, when Abu Talha asked what he should do with the wine that was left to orphans as inheritance, the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Pour it out." Still very confusing for me, so is the majority vinegar type haraam as the process converts to alcholol even though the end product is alchohol free? This is the view that is most likely to be correct.