Josh Compton, Sander van der linden, john cook, & melisa… McGuire's inoculation theory suggests strategies to aid resistance to harmful environmental influences (e.g. In contrast to the extreme views of the direct effects model, the agenda-setting theory of media stated that mass media determine the issues that concern the public rather than the public's views. This theory is often explained and equated to vaccinations, immunizations, flu shots and the like; hence its name, Inoculation Theory. The first study uses inoculation theory to design different misinformation correction messages and tests their effectiveness in the context of HPV vaccination on Twitter. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research JA Compton, M Pfau Annals of the International Communication Association 29 (1), 97-146 , 2005 Inoculation theory Identification Disidentification Involvement Proactive crisis communication Experiment a b s t r a c t Accusations of wrongdoing, baseless or justified, can severely tarnish a company's rep-utation. Not a new reading.) My approach has been to mesh . The theory can guide a messaging strategy that prepares for challenges before they are fully experienced. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research. Rains Online publication date: 22 September 2010 To cite this Article Banas, John A. and Rains, Stephen A. Objective: To provide a brief overview of 15 selected persuasion theories and models, and to present examples of their use in health communication research. Pay Less. Beyond simple inoculation: Examining the persuasive value of inoculation for audiences with initially neutral or negative attitudes. Despite its proven efficacy, inoculation has not been empirically tested as a strategy for preventing the adoption of beliefs and attitudes consistent with violent extremist ideologies. For example, maybe you know you should . Josh has been an invited expert for the Department of Defense's Strategic Multilayer Assessment program (USA) and NATO's and McGuire's inoculation theory employs an analogy to predict the effectiveness of defenses in inducing resistance to persuasion. smoking, excessive drinking, etc. Western Journal of Communication, 81, 105-126. On Tuesday, July 25 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm at START headquarters, Kurt Braddock, Lecturer in Communication Arts and Sciences at Pennsylvania State University, will give a lecture titled "Communication Theory and Experimental Methods in the Study of Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization". The major concepts of the theory are discussed, as well as recent . In this unique conglomeration of religious and health rhetoric, the poem seems to reject both inoculation as a medical strategy and inoculation as a rhetorical strategy. In fact, the earliest research on the theory in the 1960s involved health issues to build empirical support for tenets in the inoculation framework. Inoculation theory is a social psychological / communication theory that explains how an attitude or belief can be protected against persuasion or influence in much the same way a body can be protected against disease-for example, through pre-exposure to weakened versions of a stronger, future threat. The inoculation theory was proposed by McGuire in response to a situation where the goal is to persuade someone not to be persuaded by another. Although it traces its origin to ancient Greek rhetoric, inoculation theory scholars attribute the inspiration for the theory to the seminal work of Lumsdaine and Janis on two-sided messages (see Ivanov, 2012; Pfau, 1992) and the "unanticipated finding" (Pfau, 1992, p.27) evidencing the effectiveness of these messages in conferring resistance to . "Inoculation Theory of Resistance to Influence at Maturity: Recent Progress In Theory Development and Application and Suggestions for Future Research." Annals of the International Communication Association 29, no. Expect More. Inoculation theory, a theory of conferring resistance to persuasive influence, has established efficacy as a messaging strategy in the health domain. Inoculation theory in the post‐truth era: Extant findings and new frontiers for (.) Inoculation theory deals with how and why existing attitudes can be strengthened to resist counterarguments when confronted with persuasive messages. Psychological reactance theory is a commonly relied upon framework for understanding audience members' resistance to persuasive health messages. (2010) 'A Meta-Analysis of Research on Inoculation Theory', Communication Monographs, 77: 3, 281 — 311 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/03637751003758193 Resistance to ethically suspicious parody video on YouTube: A test of inoculation theory. Results indicate that inoculation messages are a promising approach for addressing misinformation about the benefits of indoor-tanning. B.A., University of Central Florida, 1984 Submitted for the THESIS in partial fulfillment or cne requirements Master of Arts degree in Communication in the Graduate Studies Program . Persuasion or persuasion arts is an umbrella term of influence.Persuasion can attempt to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors.. Persuasion is studied in many disciplines. Burt's (1992) theory of structural holes. Inoculation theory: Using misinformation to fight misinformation Posted on 17 May 2017 by John Cook. "Two tests of the mechanism of inoculation theory." Southern Communication Journal. Chapter 6 examines theories of cognition and contagion. Since the 1960s, inoculation theory has been used by public health experts and others to help people gain mental defenses against deceptive smoking advertisements or other forms of predictable . This is a fitting analogy, because "fake news" can spread much like a virus (Kucharski, 2016; Vosoughi et al., 2018). 1 (January 1, 2005): 97-146. Inoculation theory is unique. "Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity" (pages 97-105, 121-129). Annals of the International Communication Association , 29 (1), 97-145. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research. Date of publication. Inoculation theory offers a solution to polarization, with experimental studies finding that inoculating messages neutralize the polarizing influence of misinformation on issues like climate change. An inoculation message is a warning to not be taken in by certain communications from a different source that soon will be heard from. A theory of resistance to persuasion according to which most ordinary attitudes and beliefs are more or less resistant to change through having been exposed to repeated mild attacks. Once disseminated, even baseless accusations can persist and cause considerable damage A vaccine works by injecting a weak strain of a virus into the body and allowing a person's immune system to learn to fight off the disease, strengthening the body and creating immunity to the virus. Agenda-Setting Theory. Annals of the International Communication Association, 29 (1), 97-146. Conclusion. Associate Professor. Read reviews and buy Organizational Change - (Foundations of Communication Theory) 2nd Edition by Laurie Lewis (Paperback) at Target. Cancel culture refers to when a person, typically a public figure, is expelled from their social or professional circles as a result of offensive behavior, real or . Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. INOCULATION THEORY: MOTIVATION MECHANISM VS -ATTACK CREDIBILITY AS MEDIATORS OF RESISTANCE TO PERSUASION PETER F. CRANIS . Inoculation theory helps to strengthen preexisting attitudes and helps to prevent an individual's attitudes from ever shifting over time. Climate change and adaptive decision-making: Responses from . This study applied the heuristic-systematic model (HSM) and inoculation theory in order to explore risk perceptions of flu and the flu vaccination. Inoculation is an idea that changed history: stop a virus from spreading by exposing people to . (Previously Covered. Instead of offering ways to enhance persuasion, inoculation offers resistance to persuasion. We argue that inoculation as a messaging strategy could be made even more robust by harnessing family communication patterns and post‐inoculation talk to lead to more, and better, parent-child dialogue. In discussing this analogy, McGuire states that it is necessary to use beliefs which have not been attacked previously. Benoit (1991). Programs based on . 2010; 77(3), 281-311. A meta-analysis of research on inoculation theory. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research. The theory got its name from the medical term inoculation, which is otherwise known as a vaccination. Many studies have used inoculation theory to predict resistance with beliefs which have been attacked. One theory proposed was the COVID-19 vaccine would contain a microchip through which biometric data could be collected, and large businesses could send signals to the chips using 5G networks, thereby controlling humanity. Inoculation theory is a framework from social psychology that posits that it is possible to pre-emptively confer psychological resistance against (malicious) persuasion attempts (Compton, 2013; McGuire & Papageorgis, 1961). A three-phase experiment (N = 282) was conducted to examine the A Chapter Analysis : Inoculation Theory. The current study extends our understanding of competitive framing in the context of public opinion about taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) using insights from communication research on inoculation theory. In medical immunization, weakened View Article Google Scholar 45. A meta-analysis of 54 cases testing the effectiveness of inoculation theory at conferring resistance and examining the mechanisms of the theory was conducted. An inoculation message is a warning to not be taken in by certain communications from a different source that soon will be heard from. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research. It's now known as Monroe's Motivated Sequence. Chapter 9 focuses on Journal of Family Theory & Review. In 1957, Leon Festinger proposed another theory for understanding how persuasion functions. Research in several domains has shown that attitudinal inoculation effectively promotes resistance to persuasion. Implications for indoor tanning prevention efforts, inoculation theory, and health communication are discussed. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. The analyses revealed inoculation messages to be superior to both supportive messages and no-treatment controls at conferring resistance. Inoculation is a powerful and versatile form of science communication that can be used in a number of ways. McGuire (1964) suggested that attitudes could be inoculated against persuasive attacks in much the same way that one's immune system can be inoculated against viral attacks. Dr. Banas specializes in Persuasion theory and Interpersonal communication. The article begins with an overview of psychological reactance theory. 310 Blazer Dining. JS Lim, EJ Ki. The HSM explains individual's information processing as an antecedent to attitude. The event is free and open to the public, but RSVPs are appreciated. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 84 (4), 713-728, 2007. Inoculation theory takes the concept of vaccination, . Inoculation theory is so important in a field like PR, because it keeps consumers believing in your cause, your products, or your message. A third theory, concerning diffusion of innovations, helps understand the network of interpersonal relationships essential for the adoption of any innovation. The idea (as argued by Vygotsky) of communication as the primary tool of a species defined by its tools remains on the outskirts of communication theory.It finds some representation in the Toronto School of communication theory . This article was originally published on The Conversation.Read the original article.. As a psychologist researching misinformation, I focus on reducing its influence. "The effects of initial belief level on inoculation theory and its The Second Edition of The SAGE Handbook of Persuasion: Developments in Theory and Practice provides readers with logical, comprehensive summaries of research in a wide range of areas related to persuasion. Contrary to prediction, the results indicated that, during the latter stages of a political campaign featuring known candidates, issue attack messages exert more persuasive impact than character attack messages. B. F., & Stroebe, W. (2003). inoculation theory chapter in The Sage Handbook of Persuasion (Sage) and co-authored the inoculation theory chapter in Persuasion and Communication in Sport, Physical Activity, and Exercise (Taylor Francis). Inoculation Theory | The Graduate Program in Communication. Communication researcher shows free will is key to combat online extremism. Another project uses communication theories such as framing and exemplification to design HPV misinformation correction messages on Facebook. Inoculation theory works like a . Rhetoric is the study of modes of persuasion in speech and writing, and is often taught as a classical subject. inoculation messages can help promote resistance to counterattitudinal attacks. Douglas Wilbur '14, a visiting Ph.D . 859-218-3746. Chapter 7 presents exchange and dependency theories. Communication Monographs. (2017). The study tested whether preemptive "inoculation messages" can protect the beneficial effects of communicating the scientific consensus against real-world misinformation. Recent years have witnessed increased scholarly attention to the competitive and dynamic nature of message framing in shaping public opinion. Inoculation theory and science communication Extant work is encouraging, and timely, while consequential scientific issues are ripe for attention from an inoculation perspective. His research interests concern how to help people resist the influence of persuasive messages as well as how communication affects relationships. Cognitive dissonance theory is an aversive motivational state that occurs when an individual entertains two or more contradictory attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors simultaneously. Inoculation techniques from social psychological theory were applied to a controversial issue in a marketing context. Kimberly. The theory predicts that a persuader who delivers a message of caution . Fear appeals motivate acceptance of action recommendations: Evidence for a positive bias in the . ). The theory uses medical inoculation as . Such pressures include peer pressure or joining a group that exerts pressure on new, younger group members. health communication; indoor . Overall, results indicate that inoculation messages are a promising approach for addressing misinformation about the safety and health benefits of indoor tanning. Experimental factors were type of defense, time interval between defense and attack, and credibility of the attacker. Chapter 8 explores theories of proximity and homophily. The current study addresses this gap in the literature. Communication Theories. Over the ensuing decades, scholars have further examined the effectiveness of inoculation-based . While communication theorists very commonly use these two approaches, theorists decentralize the place of language and machines as communicative technologies. Communication Yearbook, 29, 97-145. The answer lies in a branch of psychology dating back to the 1960s known as "inoculation theory". Communication yearbook 29. Utilizing tenets of inoculation theory to develop and evaluate a preventive alcohol education intervention. Yet, the utility of inoculation theory for communication campaigns may ultimately depend upon the effects inoculation messages have on individuals who are initially opposed or neutral regarding the topic. My approach has been to mesh . In general, predictions from inoculation theory were confirmed: all defenses conferred resistance to attack; the refutational defense was superior to the direct . Family communication patterns, inoculation theory, and adolescent substance abuse prevention: Harnessing post-inoculation talk and family communication environments to spread positive influence. 1 (January 1, 2005): 97-146. However, the primary purpose of this investigation was to apply McGuire's inoculation theory to political campaign communication. DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2005.11679045 [Google Scholar] The Devil and Vaccination and inoculation theory: Health communication, parody, and anti-vaccination rhetoric. Professor Banas' research is published an in press in numerous journal, including: Communication Monographs, Communication . From a topical standpoint, this handbook takes an interdisciplinary approach, covering issues that will be of interest to interpersonal and mass communication researchers as well as to . Inoculation theory has been called "the grandparent theory of resistance to attitude change," 1 but as a colleague and I have argued, "This 'grandparent theory' remains spry, and a dormant retirement is not on its horizon." 2 Inoculation scholarship is witnessing a dynamic resurgence in quantity and quality not seen since William McGuire launched it in 1961. Another conspiracy theory was that vaccination against COVID-19 was intended to genetically modify humans. Importantly, inoculation theory was developed well before the rise of the internet and traditionally, research has focused on protecting "cultural truisms", or beliefs so widely held that they . Inoculation theory of resistance to influence. the College of Arts and Sciences Annals of the International Communication Association, 29 (1), 97-145. A Meta-Analysis of Research on Inoculation Theory John A. Banas; Stephen A. . Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Implications for indoor-tanning prevention efforts, inoculation theory, and health communication are discussed. Inoculation is a powerful and versatile form of science communication that can be used in a number of ways. The company name may be discolored and brought down to its knees by the unconstructive . Alan H. Monroe, a Purdue University professor, used the psychology of persuasion to develop an outline for making speeches that will deliver results, and wrote about it in his book Monroe's Principles of Speech. : 46 Psychology looks at persuasion through the lens of individual . Credit: CC0 Public Domain. This tactic is entrenched in many forms of persuasion—from political campaigns to court trials to prevention messages in health campaigns. 접종 이론(Inoculation theory)은 신체가 질병으로부터 보호될 수있는 것과 거의 같은 방식으로 (예를 들어, 더 강하고 미래의 위협의 약화된 버전에 사전 노출을 통해) 외부로부터의 설득이나 영향으로부터 자신의 태도나 신념을 보호할 수있는 방법을 설명하는 사회 심리 / 커뮤니케이션 이론이다. [49,50] Yet, evaluating this is important because Banas JA, Rains SA. Bio: Kimberly A. Parker, (Ph.D., 2004, University of Oklahoma) is an Associate Professor in the College of Communication and Information and the iNET (Innovation Network for . We will trace inoculation's development; reconsider some of its assumptions; explore its application in contexts of health, politics, and marketing; and discuss ethics of resistance-based message strategies. f . by Milady Nazir, University of Texas at San Antonio. We found that inoculation messages can protect much of the beneficial effect of the scientific consensus message, across politically diverse members of the public. Annals of the International Communication Association, 29 (1), 97-145. Bulla, B. R., Craig, E. A., & Steelman, T. A. Richard Evan's social inocula-tion theory extends McGuire's, and addresses social influences, beliefs, and attitudes that create pres-sure on a young person to use alcohol and other drugs (1,11). Social inoculation. Pryor & Steinfatt (1978). [ pdf ] The Origins of Inoculation Theory. Inoculation Theory More generally, people often process conflicting informational cues at the same time. Introduction In an intense protest or crisis, suitable communication and employment of social media can make a massive difference. Under this theory, the issues that receive the most attention from media become the issues that the public discusses, debates, and demands action on. Here, we explore balance mechanisms, inoculation theory, semantic networks, and transactive memory theory. At the core of inoculation theory (McGuire, 1961a,b) is a biological metaphor.McGuire suggested that attitudes could be inoculated against persuasive attacks in much the same way that one's immune system can be inoculated against viral attacks.In medical immunization, weakened forms of viruses are injected into the body, and the body then reacts . Her teaching and research is in the area of media effects and strategic communication campaigns, with a specific focus on inoculation theory and the prevention of adolescent risk behaviors. While character assassination has taken a variety of forms throughout history, a particularly current and controversial practice of social ostracism has bred "cancel culture.". Inoculation theory applies the idea of vaccination to knowledge—we build immunity to misinformation by exposing people to a weakened form of . John Cook, Research Assistant Professor, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University. Inoculation theory takes the concept of vaccination, . The theory is a model for building resistance to persuasion attempts by exposing people to arguments against their beliefs and giving them counter arguments to refute attacks. "Inoculation Theory is the idea that a little bit of exposure to something dangerous will make you more resilient when confronted with something more dangerous in the future," said Dr. Diane Maye Zorri, assistant professor in the Department of Security Studies and International Affairs, adding that she first learned about the approach from . The authors observed that . Das, E. H. H. J., de Wit, J. The theory predicts that cultural truisms that most people have never heard being questioned, such as It is a good idea to brush your teeth three times a day if possible, should be more vulnerable to persuasion . Additionally, the results revealed refutational same and refutational different preemptions to be . This review article provides an overview of reactance research in the context of persuasive health communication. This is a well-used and time-proven method to organize presentations for maximum impact. At the core of inoculation theory (McGuire, 1961a,b) is a biological metaphor. Inoculation theory of resistance to influence at maturity: Recent progress in theory development and application and suggestions for future research. May 2017; Keyword. This tactic is entrenched in many forms of persuasion—from political campaigns to court trials to prevention messages in health campaigns. "Inoculation Theory of Resistance to Influence at Maturity: Recent Progress In Theory Development and Application and Suggestions for Future Research." Annals of the International Communication Association 29, no. Results: The theories are categorized as message effects models, attitude-behavior approaches, cognitive processing theories and models, consistency theories, inoculation theory, and functional approaches. Dr. Erin Szabo has been teaching media courses in the Department of Communication at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University since 2001. Duryea EJ. 47: 2007: Public relations as relationship management: A relational approach to the study and practice of public relations. Parker. Inoculation theory, a theory of conferring resistance to persuasive influence, has established efficacy as a messaging strategy in the health domain. William McGuire, the originator of the theory in 1961, created the phrase attitude inoculation to refer to the process ("Have your children had their anti-smoking shots . In fact, the earliest research on the theory in the 1960s involved health issues to build empirical support for tenets in the inoculation framework. INOCULATION THEORY Using a biological analogy that McGuire termed "in-oculation theory," McGuire and Papageorgis (1961) found that a two-sided refutational appeal would be superior to a one-sided appeal in reducing resistance to a counter-communication attacking a belief prevalently and strongly held by society. INOCULATION THEORY OF RESISTANCE TO INFLUENCE. Over the ensuing decades, scholars have further examined the effectiveness of inoculation-based . [48] Thus, although highlighting scien-tific agreement has been found effective under stylized condi-tions, its efficacy in the presence of real-world misinformation remains unclear. Irritated customers not only file lawsuits against the corporation but hit wherever else they can.
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