Voter ID Online Registration Process has started. 6, just click on this link. FAQs on Voter ID Form. How to Apply for Voter ID Offline in Tamil Nadu. All citizen who crossed 18 Years Age can apply for Voter ID Card or EPIC (Electors Photo Identity Card). Age declaration for Voter ID card is required when an applicant meet all the following criteria. There are 12 types of Voter ID forms. The existing voters who want apply for the corrections on their voter id they can use Form-8 application form. Applicant is applying for fresh registration for the first time and Applicant is above 21 years of age on the qualifying date of the year, i.e. In case the link to the voter ID card form no 6 does not work, follow the given set of simple instructions that you can refer to to download voter ID card form no. For any other technical feedback or issues on the portal kindly send your feedback to ECI Technical Support For details of eligibility criteria or any other additional information related to electoral forms, kindly visit Contents owned and updated by concerned Departments and coordinated by Information Technology Department Secretariat, Fort St. George, Chennai 600 009, Tamil Nadu, India 6 : Visit the Election Commission of … Person shifting his / her place of ordinary residence outside the constituency in which he / she is already registered. When Form … How many types of Voter ID forms are there? 1 st January, of the year with reference to … Given below is the list of Voter ID forms available: Form 1 (English/Hindi) Form 2 (English/Hindi declaration) Form 2A (English/Hindi declaration) Form 3 (English/Hindi) Form 6 (English/Hindi) Form 6A (English/Hindi) Form 7 (English/Hindi) To download the PDF version of voter ID card form no. Voter ID Card Online Apply. Who can file Form-6 1. Submit your Age Proof and Address Proof Documents with Voter ID Card Application Form. This Form 8 application is applicable to the correction of particulars like name, father name, surname, date of birth etc on Voter Id card. First time applicant on attaining age of 18years or more on the first day of January of the year with reference to which the electoral roll is being revised. Follow the procedure given below to apply for a Voter ID in Tamil Nadu: One can also file an application for Voter ID offline easily in Tamil Nadu. Voter ID Card Online Application Form 2020- Voter ID Search By Name. 2. Contact Us . People who wish to apply in person and those who are not familiar with online forms, voter ID can be obtained by filling up simple forms.