I decided to put these on the blog because they were such a loved recipe. I decided to put these on the blog because they were such a loved recipe. Even the best granola bars can't beat a piece of fruit, handful of nuts or a tub of yogurt when it comes to nutrition. I used to avoid oats because they were heavy on my digestion, but when they are ground up as is the case with this recipe, I find them very easy to digest. Even the best granola bars can't beat a piece of fruit, handful of nuts or a tub of yogurt when it comes to nutrition. The wide variety of nutrients from granola, which includes antioxidants, play an important role in keeping brain functions from slowing down over time. Cereales, Legumbres, Leguminosas y Productos Proteínicos Vegetales. As a result, many companies such as Quaker or Kellogg now claim that their granola bars are trans-fat free. Not a stellar fiber ratio, knowing that we are required to consume 25 to 30 g of fibers daily by the same USDA food pyramid and that a good percentage of those fibers should come from unprocessed whole grains. Seems like a logical name, right? Dr Booras also mentions that athletes should strive for 20 % fat or less. If not, what is the difference? What are the differences between green and red apples? The content provided in The Globe and Mail's Ask a Health Expert centre is for information purposes only and is neither intended to be relied upon nor to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Good luck and happy cooking.........(hahahaha). The fibre in these bars nourishes our gut microbiome and they are super blood sugar balancing too. -- please feel free to join me in my private Facebook group. 7 Things You Must Know to Get Rid of Eczema Naturally. 0 0. Granola bars are also extremely popular in the paddling community as a quick snack since they are so light, apparently filling and easy to carry in a pfd's pocket. I dont see the harm short term. True, they contain 0 grams of trans fat. This article was published more than 7 years ago. You'd probably be fine if you snacked on granola bars and fruit and vegetables. The heartiness of these bars is because of the oats which are fibre-rich and nourishing. One thing is certain: almost all commercial granola bars contain way too much sugar! Glad you love them :), I made these bars and took them to work and they disappeared so fast. However, if you want to avoid chocolate chips you could use raw cacao nibs instead. Probably not, they are not that good for you just for breakfast! Plus granola is very dry so you could end up constipated (even though it is high in fiber). Fold the liquid mixture into in the rolled oats mixture and mix just enough to combine all ingredients. With minor adjustments to their fat, sugar and improvement to their protein ratio they could be easily turned into excellent post work out snacks, breakfasts or … We don't typically feature other nutritionists in our online programs aside from myself or Rachel because we are part of the team and we are not looking to hire any new people.