2012 Nov;4(6):475-9. Euchner, C. C.: 1993, Playing the Field: Why Sports Teams Move and Cities Fight to Keep Them (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD). & Gullion, L. The Ethical Issues Confronting Managers in the Sport Industry. [12] Maintaining confidentiality is shaped by various responsibilities or obligations, the physical environment and practice and policy contexts of sports medicine. Kilburg, P. and D. Strischek: 1985, ‘Lending to Health Clubs’, The Journal of Commercial Bank Lending (August), 8–20. The speed with which transfers sometimes occur makes it difficult to get signed and informed consent from athletes to release medical information. Dunfee, T. W. and B. Growth in the sports good market grew by 7.0% in 2015. Sporting motivations may simply involve winning a match or a competition, escaping relegation or qualifying for a … Many health clubs have high-pressure sales, which is a term that describes the quota their employees must meet on a monthly basis to keep their jobs. Payne, D. and F. Dimanche: 1996, ‘Towards a Code of Conduct for the Tourism Industry: An Ethics Model’, Journal of Business Ethics Ethics in Sports Medicine. Crosset, T. and M. A. Hums: In press, ‘Ethics Applied to Sport’, in L. P. Masteralexis, C. A. Barr and M. A. Hums (eds. Updated March 2014. Arbuthnot, J. J.: 1997, ‘Identifying Ethical Problems Confronting Small Retail Buyers During the Merchandise Buying Process’, Journal of Business Ethics [1], "A fit athlete is better than a injured star"[1], Sign up to receive the latest Physiopedia news, The content on or accessible through Physiopedia is for informational purposes only. 15, 605–613. Health clubs and fitness centers have a unique set of ethical issues that they face. As a result ,there are variations in the maintenance of confidentiality and the idea of anuniversal code of ethics in sports medicine may still be only a dream. Eynon, G., N. T. Hill, and K. T. Stevens: 1997, ‘Factors That Influence the Moral Reasoning Abilities of Accountants: Implications for Universities and the Profession’, Journal of Business Ethics Atre, T. et al. Although what players do is not necessarily a sports management issue, handling the aftermath of the steroid era is a big sports management issue. Furthermore, sports medicine may be practsced on the playing field in front of spectators. So whatever is the best option or course of treatment for the athlete is also best for the team. Mott, R. and S. Hagwell: 1995, ‘Agents and the NCAA Student-athlete – A Five Part Series: History of the Agent Problems’, The NCAA News (September 18), 1, 14. Mooney, C.: 1982, ‘Keeping Track of Health Clubs is a Workout for Consumers’, Miami Herald (September 20), 12. Clin Orthop Rel Res. [1] Knowledge of the principles and exposure to the practice of ethics are helpful in the decision-making process. With this multitude of stakeholders involved, each with their own different interests and goals, health care professionals are often conflicted about the proper course of treatment and rehabilitationfor an injured athlete. Hall DE, Prochazka AV, Fink AS. [8] Unfortunately, these results often in athletes seeking medical advice outside of the team environment. [11] There are various challenges around informed consent in the context of athletes. Available from: I give my consent to Physiopedia to be in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form for the purpose of news, updates and marketing. Johnson, J.: 1987, ‘More State Regulation?’, Athletic Business (April), 20–24. : Ethical issues concerning New Zealand sports doctors. Kahn, R.: 1977, Quoted in CBS Reports “The Baseball Business”, television documentary narrated by Bill Moyer. [13] British and Australian researchers and ethics codes express the view that the team clinician role is "discrete in practice." In contractual scenario's, where a health care professional has signed a contract with a sporting governing body or team, they may very well be in breach of their professional code of conduct hould they breach heir responsibilities of confidentiality. Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Jose Conseco -- these are only a few of the professional athletes who have been found to have taken illegal steroids. [8], Sports health care professionals work in an area that is distinct from many other areas of medical practice. [5] It is strongly recommended that athletes and sports clinicians sign written agreements before the start of a season or term wherein it is made clear that the sports clinician does have the athlete's consent to share information with the coach or management team if need be and appropriate. Nash, H. L.: 1985, ‘Instructor Certification: Making Fitness Programs Safer?’, The Physician and Sportsmedicine (October), 142–155. Clin Sports Med. The purpose of an introduction is to discuss issues such as the intent of the code of ethics, as well as to provide procedural and organizational clarity about the codes and their use. 3rd edition. Lapchick, R.: 1995, 1995 Racial Report Card (Northeastern University Center for the Study of Sport in Society, Boston, MA). Ozanian, M. K. et al. Health care professionals in sports, such as doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists are constantly under pressure to keep athletes on the field of play and to improve performance as well as allow the athlete to return to play in the shortest possible amount of time. ), 1994, Sport Ethics: Applications for Fair Play (Mosby, St. Louis), pp. 88-92. Hotel, C. and J. Brockman: 1997, ‘Legal Ethics in the Practice of Family Law: Playing Chess While Mountain Climbing’, Journal of Business Ethics 16, 1297–1309. Looney, D. S.: 1996, ‘How We Should Pay College Athletes’, The Sporting News (July 1), 38–42. Pressure can come from various sources that can influence the health care professional and the athlete. This pressure can come from the athlete, the coaching staff, management and even the health care professionals themselves.[5]. Professional athletes make millions of dollars. Conflict of interest due to divided loyalties 3. Fundamental Ethical Principles in Sports Medicine. The paper specifically asks if organizations using professional sports associations as a promotional lever for increasing sales can be hurt by a lack of ethics on the part of the leagues, teams, or players. 2012 Mar 20; 184(5): 533–540. Policies that are problematic in the area of confidentiality are those relating to screening and policing of athletes.[12]. Issues such as pressure from coaches, parents, or that the athlete feels forced to do "what is best for the team." Ethical issues in sports medicine: a review and justification for ethical decision making and reasoning. PubMed Google Scholar, Hums, M.A., Barr, C.A. [12], Sports healthcare professionals work within the limits of various sports-specific policies that often require disclosure of privileged information. The unique and dynamic relationship between the various stakeholders associated with sports franchises and even local clubs or school teams and athletes are one of the biggest causes of the many ethical issues that are encountered in the care of athletes. Parkhouse, B. L.: 1996, The Management of Sport: Its Foundations and Applications, 2d Ed. Clin Sports Med. [8], The well-being of the athlete is always most important, especially if there is a conflict of interest with a third party. Sara has a Bachelor of Arts in sports management and communication from the University of Michigan. What punishment do you hand down? 2016 Apr;35(2):205-15. Sydney. Part of every sport manager's job is to make sure he is acting in an ethical way and facing any ethical issues head on. 9, 41, 45. Devitt BM, and McCarthy C.: ‘I am in blood Stepp'd in so far…’: ethical dilemmas and the sports team doctor. : 1996, HIV/AIDS in Sport – An Ethical Dilemma. Lumpkin, A., S. K. Stoll and J. M. Beller: 1994, Sport Ethics: Applications for Fair Play (Mosby, St. Louis). The Am J Bioeth 2013; 13: pp. Sports marketing has a problem with women – every day. [12] These ethical codes that operate within the legal systems are also usually state bounded. 175-178. : 1986, ‘Are Health Clubs Risky?’, Newsweek (February 17), 62. [8], "Physicians and other health care professionals must always act in the best interest of the patient whether she or he is an athlete or not, regardless of setting, and irrespective of incentives. Health care professionals in sport should be aware of the various potential influences that can affect ethical medical decision-making.