I've got examples of some of the most common reasons as to why would a guy send mixed signals and how he looks at it, plus a bit about what you can do in a situation like that. The problem isn’t that we’re getting the wrong information – the problem is that we’re getting too much. He just likes the challenge to win you back. If that’s the case, thank him for not making you his rebound girlfriend and wave him goodbye. Leah Lee is a relationship expert who pours her knowledge into words. But it’s courageous to show your interest, and it clears up mixed signals like nobody’s business. They show attention, listen to them, and want to help. No, he didn’t realize how amazing you are after he lost you. “You’re an amazing guy. Everything was amazing, they had lots of fun and talked about going out on a date. Does he invest back, or does he not? They saw each other again a week later, in the same club, with the same people around them. “Katy and John were introduced to each other by their friends. There are many reasons you might want to decode a man’s signals. It’s kinda frustrating. “I like him, so I’ll give him a clear chance”, she’ll say. When did messing around with someone’s mind and sending mixed signals became acceptable? He might even mention you are different than the rest of the girls around. He saw you with some random guy, who may well be just your friend, but the thing is his jealousy was sparked. He is just delaying the response to let you know that you are playing by his rules. He’s hot. He is just checking … A random text out of the blue after disappearing on you for a long period of time. See full disclosure. Unlike you, he knows that, and that's the reason he prefers to confuse you until he gets what he needs.Click to Tweet. Katy felt the attraction the moment she saw John. It takes you being a little vulnerable and putting yourself out there. 6 Bulletproof Ways To Respond To His Mixed Signals, Why He Is Sending Mixed Signals According To His Zodiac Sign. He usually doesn’t want anything concrete, he just wants your attention. There are no results for the term you are looking for. You cannot keep the good vibes unless you play the game. After a few weeks of club-dating, they jumped in the bed and Katy thought that was it – they are finally together, officially. The thing is, he’s still texting regularly; it’s just disjointed and has now been a week since you met in person. What if you make the positive move, ask him out (and the date goes well), but then you hear nothing again and the situation repeats itself? He’s trying his options. The definitions of love and loving are going through constant … If you made it clear at the end of the previous date you would like another – and he hasn’t come to the party – don’t ask him out again (the unusual exception might be if he’s really shy!). Again. He was texting her often, but the relationship was not moving forward. Copyright © 2020. Example 2: Although he’s telling you he’s not ready for a relationship, he’s still flirting with you, and he’s more than happy going forward if you offer a warm bed tonight.