You and your friends are planning to go on a four-day vacation together during the winter break. This worksheet was created to help students practice the use of had better. In this worksheet, students learn the terminology for a number of ailments through a picture match. Try cycling to work. Got a great worksheet on Suggestions and Offers? Learn from professional teachers and put a bit of your own creativity into it! It hel ... Help 6th formers put their survival vocabulary and critical thinking skills into practice by using this webquest. You shouldn’t drivetoo fast. Can also be used as a role-play activity. 258 Unit 21 Advice and Suggestions Exercise 2.2 Asking for and Giving Advice A Complete the requests for job advice from an online forum.Add should. Exercise 1: Making suggestions. The road is wet. What about having a cup of coffee with me? Complete the conversation and listen. This mind map shows students what modals are used to express. Then click 'Hide / Show "You"'. Why don't you join an English club? Advice and Suggestions. Each of you has different ideas, so you need to agree on a plan. I designed the map using word shapes adding some pics. I think you should go home early. We can use imperative verbs + '-ing' to give advice. Giving advice using the phrases “had better” and “would rather” is a very specific and important aspect of advanced English grammar. Instantly create custom word/sentence scrambles for your class! This is the 5th part of my set about Reported speech. Read and listen to the dialogue. You look pale. Exercises to practise making suggestions (speaking+multiple choice, correcting mistakes) plus some tips to make suggestions and a sample dialog to make suggestions. Give each student a copy of the lesson. This is a worksheet for intermediate students to respond and practice complaining. They then walk around and try to guess their problem. MAKING SUGGESTIONS. Tell them that now they are planning their trips to one of the places from the char ... A good way of practicing activities and days of the week using the structure "Let's ... on ...'. I collected all these exercise ... Work in groups of four. By hsnzcn making suggestions 5,270 Downloads . Have one student in front of the class, with his/her back to the board. sickness exercise. Go through the language for asking and giving advice with the class. I don’t think you should goto school today. a low GPA, a broken heart, etc. :) Please wait until page is refreshed! and 'Perhaps you should...'). Why don't you join an English club? Target skill: Giving advice. Students then write a li st of ten things that they would ask advice This is a power point presentation used for elementary students, L2, to practice "would rather ". 258 Unit 21 Advice and Suggestions Exercise 2.2 Asking for and Giving Advice A Complete the requests for job advice from an online forum.Add should. 1. Sometimes you also need to add a Wh-word. Students can practice making suggestions and expressing opinions. Go through the language for asking and giving advice with the class. So, without further ado, here it is! By registering to and using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. It's a role play activity to help them remember how to suggest activities to their partners. Introduction. Part 1: Giving advice – usage. Students love them and get all involved and enthusiastic. The difference between 'What about ..? If you are only interested in suggestions, CLICK HERE.Let’s see here some very common constructions you can use to give advice to a friend. A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about giving, advice, giving advice Create awesome-looking custom word searches in seconds! I’ve been offered my dream job. Students can learn the different usages of "will" such as making an offer, prediction, planning and also spontaneous decisions. It contains three different situations. What about having a cup of coffee with me? There are six situations which should be solved by the students. Giving Advice with “Had Better” and “Would Rather” Look at the usage instructions in Part 1 below. These 8 ESL role plays are designed to challenge learners at ILR (International Language Roundtable) Level 1 or 2. You’d better wake up early. Should Other teachers will definitely appreciate your hard work. In this worksheet, students have to pick the appropriate word to fill the gap in this conversation between a travel agent and customer. Use of should and shouldn´t. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Tell us about it and become a BusyTeacher contributor! and 'How about' are contextualized and explained in a colourful dyslexic-reader-friendly dialogue.... READING COMPREHENSION: THE FORTUNE TELLER. Summary: Students give advice to a classmate.The classmate then tries to guess what problem s/he has. Perfect for intermediate level and up. However, it is far from my family and friends. suggestions. It is to be used over three 60 minute sessions and Internet access is essential. The school year is almost over. Procedure. Stop drinking so much coke. This is your chance to link both of them and engage your students! Simple Speaking Activity for Giving Advice / Making Suggestions (ESL) ESL Level: lower-intermediate & intermediate. Perhaps it is not such a bad idea to ask your students to look back and recall what they have done so far and provide you with some feedback. You can play with your students asking them to give each other a possible solution for those. By anarti A multiple choise exercise. You’d better wake up early. 3. This also includes ten items abo ... Do you have a lesson on travelling and films? : Start going to the gym. Asking For and Giving Advice. Then try the free exercises in Part 2. Students then write a li st of ten things that they would ask advice for, e.g. I made this to review with 2nd Program of the ESO. How about ..? Goes out to 323,134 subscribers every Wednesday. I think you should go home early. You can then write the problem on the board and the other classmates can give the advice. Here are some common phrases and expressions you can use when making suggestions and giving advice in English: Making suggestions and giving advice: You should try to learn English everyday. Giving advice practice. I’ve been offered my dream job. Here is a giving advice lesson to help students learn how to ask for and give advice on everyday topics. Sign up for the BusyTeacher Weekly and be the first to get direct links to our latest teaching articles, worksheets and lesson plans. This is a very nice worksheet for working with the modal verbs should and can for giving suggestions and also for text interpretation. I ... It´s important to be able to share your opinions with other people in a polite way. 'Why don't you...? 2. This is a power point presentation showing some problems we normally have. Giving advice and making suggestions are two different language functions, but in real life they often go together. The instructions for the teachers are in... Would you like to become a member of iSLCollective ?