And now the minstrel, Phemius, Terpius’ son, whom the Suitors forced to sing, tried to flee his dark fate. It would be wrong to stand there in your hall with your broad shoulders clothed in rags.’. Telemachus leapt back, leaving the long spear fixed in Amphinomus’ body, fearing that if he stopped to pull the spear free, one of the Achaeans might rush him, and stab him with his sword, or catch him as he stooped over the corpse. And tell Penelope and her maids to come here, and all the palace women.’, ‘My child,’ the loyal nurse replied, ‘all you say is fitting. But let me run to the shining room above, and carry the news to your wife, whom some god has lulled to sleep.’, But resourceful Odysseus replied: ‘Don’t wake her yet. Your reward is the same, and no matter how your quests played out, he will trust you. Amphinomus, now, rushed at glorious Odysseus, attacking him with drawn sword, to force him somehow from the door. The final act of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is here. So by their foolish indulgence they brought on their shameful death. Leave fine words to the gods, since they are greater than us by far. It is impious to rejoice at the sight of dead men. No, dear friend, come take your stand by my side, and watch how I behave, so you know how Mentor, Alcimus’ son, repays past kindness in the heart of the enemy ranks.’. He spoke swiftly to Telemachus, with winged words: ‘Telemachus, one of the women servants has stirred up trouble for us, or perhaps it was Melanthius.’, ‘Father’ wise Telemachus replied, ‘It is my fault, and no one else’s. You may also be interested in something from the list below. Now you can choose to stand and fight or run, if you think a single one of you can cheat death and fate. He Didn’t Make It – If you tell him the truth, the man will join your crew and you will complete the quest. Mentor has fled after uttering his empty boasts. Taking careful aim, they hurled their spears together, on his command. But let me bring you a tunic and cloak to wear. Finally, you can kill him or leave his quarters without blood being spilt. He rose at once and threw off the hide, then dashed forward and clasped Telemachus round the knees, and entreated him with winged words: ‘Here I am, dear boy: stay your hand, and persuade your father to restrain his, lest he wounds me with that sharp bronze in an excess of strength, enraged by the Suitors who ravaged his house and foolishly denied you honour.’, But resourceful Odysseus smiled at him, saying: ‘Be calm! Come, to his call.’, She gave no reply but opened the doors of the great hall at once, and followed Telemachus. So saying, he aimed a deadly shaft at Antinous, who was handling a fine golden two-handled cup, about to raise it to his lips and sip the wine, his thoughts far from death. At this command, the two of them left the hall, and sat down by the altar of mighty Zeus, glancing from side to side, expecting death any moment. Let me bring armour from the storeroom though, since I think Odysseus and his fine son have hidden the arms inside not outside.’, With this, Melanthius climbed the steps to Odysseus’ storeroom, and came away with a dozen shields and spears, and as many bronze helmets with thick horsehair plumes and carrying them quickly brought them to the Suitors. Outside you will meet Iris, who will tell you she is using Alkibiades and really doesn’t love him. But before he could reach him Telemachus quickly threw his bronze-tipped spear, striking him behind between the shoulders, and driving it through his chest. I left the door of the storeroom unlocked, and they kept a closer eye than I did. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. He actually knows that she is using him and he doesn’t care. First, tell the women who behaved shamelessly to come here.’, ‘Odysseus instructs Eurycleia to gather the unfaithful servants’, With this, the old woman went through the hall to tell the women the news and order them to appear, while Odysseus called Telemachus, and the cowherd and swineherd, to him, and spoke with winged words: ‘Begin carrying out the bodies and tell the women to help, then sponge down the tables and good chairs. The two of them lay in wait on either side of the door. Now, though, name me the women in the halls, and say which ones are faithless and which are innocent.’, Then loyal Eurycleia replied: ‘I will tell you it all as it is, my child. Telemachus, your brave son, is my witness, too, that I never came to sing in your house willingly, but the Suitors dragged me here by force of numbers.’, Royal Telemachus heard his words, and spoke swiftly to his father nearby: ‘Wait, don’t put an innocent to the sword: and we should spare Medon, the herald, too, who used to care for me as a child in this house. Now there was a raised entrance in the solid wall, closed by tight-fitting doors, providing access to a passage at the back of the great hall. He fell to the ground with a thud, striking his forehead full-on. After this, I fought the final battle. Worthy Eumaeus, go now, and close the storeroom door, and find out whether it is one of the women or Melanthius, Dolius’ son, as I would guess.’, As they were speaking, Melanthius the goatherd returned to the storeroom to fetch more fine armour. Now he is dead, as he deserved. But before he could reach him Telemachus quickly threw his bronze-tipped spear, striking him behind between the shoulders, and driving it through his chest. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. XXII:116-159 Melanthius raids the storeroom, XXII:378-432 Eurycleia denounces the disloyal women, XXII:433-501 Telemachus executes the serving-women, Bk XXII:116-159 Melanthius raids the storeroom, Bk XXII:378-432 Eurycleia denounces the disloyal women, Bk XXII:433-501 Telemachus executes the serving-women. You’ll pay the price with your life. Then they sponged the tables and good chairs clean. This is a support quest for the Good From Far, Far From Good quest. Then he slung a shield, with four layers of hide, across his shoulders, set a strong helmet on his proud head, its horsehair plume nodding menacingly, and picked up two sturdy spears with bronze tips. But Odysseus took aim and shot him through the neck. The old woman went away then, back through the royal palace, to carry the news to the women and tell them to appear. Agelaus called out urgently to them: ‘Friends, this man’s invincible grip is weakening now. There the four of them stood on the threshold, breathing defiance against the many braves in the hall. He decided the better course was to clasp the knees of Odysseus, Laertes’ son, so he set the pyre on the ground between the mixing-bowl and the silver-embossed chair, and rushing forward gripped Odysseus by the knees, and entreated him in winged words: ‘Odysseus, respect the suppliant at your knees: I ask for mercy. | Terms of service This is a support quest for the Good From Far, Far From Good quest. Now I’ll see if I can hit another target no man has as yet, and may Apollo grant my prayer!’. 1. We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. Throwing off his rags, resourceful Odysseus sprang to the wide threshold with the bow and the full quiver, poured the arrows out at his feet, and addressed the Suitors: ‘Here is a clear end to the contest. One hit the doorpost of the great hall, another lodged in the door, and a third man’s ash spear tipped with solid bronze struck the wall. But now Antinous is dead, and he was to blame for it all: he initiated it, not primarily through desire or need to wed, but with another aim that the son of Cronos thwarted: to be king in Ithaca’s peaceful land. So he lay in wait for your son, to kill him. Yet despite her words she still withheld from him the power to determine the course of the fight, and continued to test the strength and courage of Odysseus and his noble son.