There is nothing natural about the spectacular resurrection of the corpse of Lazarus. Hash File: 824f051f1698071bdd2bf6731a0dc747.pdf. What I can’t understand is why you invoke improbability and yet you will not admit that you’re shooting yourself in the foot by postulating something just as improbable, magicking into existence the word God. It was George Muller's greatest hope that his record of God's faithfulness to him would encourage believers to develop faith like his own-the faith without which it That’s actually correct. As has uniformly always been the case. Except, Christianity, Keller then dishonestly claims Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionary scientist, believed religion and science were compatible. They refute the entire claim that humans were intelligently engineered by a compassionate god (we clearly evolved from other animals in clunky piecemeal fashion over millions of years, the exact opposite of being built to function superbly right out of the divine factory, by a perfect, caring, all powerful sorcerer). It has nothing left to offer. Which simply condemns them to the bin of tinfoil hatters. At some point you have to call it for what it is. It therefore does not become a reason to believe x. I already exposed the con Keller pulls with this dishonest line of reasoning in his first chapter. People need to accept that fact. The good life, however, is more than these, National Science and Technology Authority. The book is divided into two sections. Keller pushes the false claim that science can’t confirm miracles, even in principle, and then uses that false premise to argue we can therefore believe in miracles because science’s failure to verify a single miracle ever in thousands of years of human history isn’t evidence against any of them (p. 87). In fact, the only eyewitness we have an account from (Paul), says Jesus was seen spiritually, by revelation, “inside” the witnesser; he never mentions anyone seeing Jesus in any other way (Galatians 1:11-16; 1 Corinthians 9:1; 1 Corinthians 15:5-8; 2 Corinthians 12:1-9; Romans 16:25-26). It’s a yes to sky spirits, souls, evil forces, telepathy, blood magic, and reanimated corpses for him. The same thing happens, with every piece of evidence you try to conjure in defense of the Christian religion. What About Other Religions?, Session 2 [Video Download], What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life? And an honest man would tell you, that this means your faith in any miracles being true, is totally unfounded, and contrary to all current established science. Keller conceded this in previous chapters. Mere Christianity was the edited publication of lectures given during World War II. The lie here? The question that has to be answered is is what Collins believes rational. Read Keller’s outline for Part I of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. Lewis’s thinking, and I think he clearly does, then The Reason for God is must reading. Lewis, and the American theologian Jonathan Edwards. Earth actually billions of years old? But then, of course, a Christianity without the supernatural, is really just Naturalist Secular Humanism…if it also abandons all its dogmas that have no basis in evidence. And just puts on a straight face, claiming there is no evidence it’s false. Which is why Christians keep trying to distance themselves from the actual belief-system they inherited, by trying to “reinvent” it so as to get rid of all the crazy shit science has since refuted. And that’s how you get all the loons and cranks of young-earth creationism and the like. So, now Keller has hand-waved his way through the entire question of whether science is compatible with Christianity, carefully avoiding addressing any of the ways they are actually not, and making only dishonest and fancy-spun arguments from authority to hopefully distract you from noticing that. Hence, only books, not debates, have any realistic chance of deciding what’s true. Thus, completing one’s studies, training for a, sport, or taking a rest is a good. . And all scientific evidence contradicts the existence of “sin” as anything other than bad design—which is all on god, if he’s the engineer, and not on Adam & Eve, whom all scientific evidence confirms neither existed nor could have made any choices (if they did exist) that would affect modern human genetics or culture in any fashion worth blaming them for.