[0] => [1] => [0] => 5 Thanks so much for the great ideas. ) ( [0] => 2058774337470981 ( [_product_version] => Array [_wcst_data_wcst_savings_position] => Array [0] => default [_wcst_data_wcst_best_seller_badge_position] => Array hotels! [_wcst_data_wcst_guarantee_alignment] => Array ) [0] => 1 ) [ocean_center_header_left_menu] => Array ( [0] => #252525 ) [_wcst_data_wcst_sales_count_from_date] => Array [0] => {{positive_feedback_percentage}} of buyers gave more than 4 star rating. [_wc_average_rating] => Array Learn all the tricks to making the perfect bed frame and headboard that looks just like those luxury beds … ( Then I laid out all the pieces and cut one of the iron sections to add enough width to our new king size headboard. [1] => taxable [0] => Sale ends in {{time_left}} ( ) [0] => {{rating_percentage}} of buyers said they were satisfied. [_wcst_data_wcst_static_badge_badge_bg_color] => Array ( ) [_height] => Array ( ( (Side note: I beefed up the slats from 1×4 to 2×4″ studs to accommodate the king mattress and because our latex foam mattress is much heavier than a traditional spring mattress.). Brace yourself because the drill will spin if you aren’t ready for it. ( ) I’ll post more details when I’m finished but here are a few pictures to show my progress. [_wcst_data_wcst_savings_font_size] => Array [ocean_custom_footer_template] => Array ) [0] => 6 [_wcst_data_wcst_low_stock_position] => Array All images and tutorials on this blog are copyrighted material. [0] => a:0:{} medianet_width='300'; medianet_height= '250'; medianet_crid='622980667'; medianet_width='300'; medianet_height= '600'; medianet_crid='425942770'; Creative Ideas and DIY Projects to Inspire Your Daily Life, 25+ Creative DIY Bed Projects with Free Plans, Creative Ideas - DIY Upcycled Plastic Bottle Drawer Storage System, Creative Ideas - How to Build a Platform Bed with Storage, Creative Ideas - DIY Raised Bed from IKEA Kallax Shelves, 25+ Creative DIY Projects to Make a Craft Table, Creative Ideas - How to Build a Bench Around a Tree Using Old Kitchen Chairs, Ana White – Farmhouse Storage Bed with Storage Drawers Tutorial, How To Build A Farmhouse Storage Bed with Drawers, how to build a platform bed with storage drawers, how to build a platform bed with storage drawers plans, Disney Mickey Mouse Premium Spatula Pancake Flipper Turner. [0] => 1 [0] => #252525 It has drawers on both sides, offering lots of easy access storage. [0] => default Follow the rest of Ana’s plans to build the storage boxes and the footboard. [0] => no ) we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. ) [_is_this_be_a_deal_of_the_day_product] => Array This bed packs lots of storage in a more compact profile. [_crosssell_ids] => Array [0] => satisfaction_rate 2 – 4×4 @ 19″ I like the smell of coffee and sawdust in the morning. If you live in an apartment, you might like to think about buying a space-saving bed that folds up, depending on the layout of the room. [0] => #dd3333 [0] => #252525 [0] => instock ) [0] => 0 [0] => #f4f5f5 [_backorders] => Array [0] => [0] => 4575,4576,4577,4578,4579,4580,4581,4582,4583,4584,4585 [_wcst_data_wcst_static_badge_mode] => Array Farmhouse King Size Bed with Storage. [1] => 2058774304137651 [ocean_custom_footer_template] => Array ) [_download_limit] => Array [_wcst_data_wcst_smarter_reviews_font_size] => Array [0] => #242424 ) [1] => enable ";s:10:"style_mode";s:4:"icon";s:4:"icon";s:3:"131";s:8:"image_id";s:0:"";s:5:"image";b:0;}i:2;a:4:{s:7:"heading";s:15:"Secure Checkout";s:4:"text";s:27:"SSL Enabled Secure Checkout";s:10:"style_mode";s:4:"icon";s:4:"icon";s:2:"67";}} ( © 2020 Farmhouse Room. Mar 19, 2014 - Farmhouse Bed plans for a small space! [_manage_stock] => Array ) [1] => #ec1f1f ( ) ( ) ) Please head over to Ana White for the supplies list and detailed plan. ) ( ) ) [_wcst_data_wcst_best_seller_badge_label] => Array ( Learn how to build a DIY West Elm-inspired chevron bed – Queen, full, and twin size building plans. ) *how do I leave photos? [_wcst_data_wcst_sales_count_label] => Array This DIY pallet bed frame is beautiful, stylish and super easy to make. [_wcst_data_wcst_deal_expiry_reverse_date_label] => Array Are you looking for a rustic platform bed? Then come back here and I’ll show you my alterations. ( ) Learn all the tricks to making the perfect bed frame and headboard that looks just like those luxury beds at the fanciest ( and comfiest!)