If you need to convert between square feet (ft²) and cubic yards (yd³), use this calculator. As mentioned above, this is a calculation and not a conversion because a cubic yard is a unit of volume (with three dimensions) and a square foot is a unit of area (with two dimensions). We have an Enter your value in the conversion calculator below. Since the object's height was 8 feet, its volume is 8 x 7, or 56 cubic feet. We divide by 27 because there are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. Of course, if you use our calculator at the top of the page, it'll work these calculations out for you. How do I convert square feet to cubic yards? Moreover there is cubic inches to cubic feet conversion chart for your help. liable for any damages or monetary losses arising out of or in connection with the use of it. If you have any problems using this square feet and cubic yards calculator, please contact me. Copyright © 2012-2020 CheckYourMath.com. Your answer will appear in the ft3 field. For quick reference purposes, below is a conversion table that you can use to convert from m3 to ft3. Note: these formulae assume all measurements are in feet: Square feet = (cubic yards × 27) ÷ height (ft). The formula to convert from m3 to ft3 is: Next, let's look at an example showing the work and calculations that are involved in converting from cubic meters to cubic feet (m3 to ft3). Square Centimeters to SquareInches converter, Square Inches to Square Centimeters converter, Square Inches to Square Decimeters converter, Square Decimeters to Square Inches converter, Square Decimeters to Square Feet converter, Square Feet to Square Decimeters converter, Square Miles to Square Kilometers converter, Square Kilometers to Square Miles converter, Square Meters to Square Kilometers converter, Square Kilometers to Square Meters converter, Square Kilometers to Square Yards converter, Square Centimeters to Square Feet converter, Square Centimeters to Square Millimeters converter, Square millimeters to Square centimeters converter. How to convert m3 to ft3: Enter a value in the m3 field and click on the "Calculate cubic feet" button. Actually you can make this conversion if you have that third unit of measure - depth. The US gallon contains 128 US fluid ounces, whereas the Imperial gallon contains 160 Imperial fluid ounces. Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet Conversion Chart . Thank you. Looking for a conversion? Conversion Table. Online calculator to convert cubic meters to cubic feet (m3 to ft3) with formulas, examples, and tables. Do not use calculations for anything where loss of life, money, property, etc could result from inaccurate calculations. cubic foot to cubic inches Conversion Chart / Table:: cu ft = cu in 1.0 = 1728 2.0 = 3456 3.0 = 5184 4.0 = 6912 5.0 = 8640: cubic foot= cubic inches 6.0 = 10368 7.0 = 12096 8.0 = 13824 What is the Difference Between Nominal, Effective and APR Interest Rates? additional calculator, should you wish to calculate cubic feet from square feet. Let's start off by discussing the use of the word 'convert'. Due to the fact that the square foot is a unit of area, with two dimensions, and the cubic yard is a unit of volume, with three dimensions, this isn't a conversion - it's a calculation. In order to carry out this calculation, we A cubic meter is a unit of volume in the Metric System. For instance, if you’re installing a flooring system that’s 1” thick, you can figure out the product’s coverage area given a particular volume. Please re-enable javascript in your browser settings. A separate, instructions for how to enable JavaScript. In metric terms a cubic foot is a cube with sides 0.3048 metres in length. How to Calculate Net Income (With Examples), How Long Will It Take To Save? Cubic Feet. There are 35.31466671 cubic feet in a cubic meter. Cubic inch to Square feet Calculator: Cubic inch (in 3) : Square feet (ft 2) : Home. Once you have this extra measurement, you can incorporate it into the calculations below. CheckYourMath.com requires javascript to work properly. However, it is not accurate to say that 56 cubic feet always converts to 7 square feet, as an object that is 14 feet tall, 2 feet long and 2 feet wide also has this same volume in cubic feet, but it has a different area in square feet. The International spelling for this unit is cubic metre. A cubic measurement is the three-dimensional derivative of a linear measure, so a cubic foot is defined as the volume of a cube with sides 1 ft in length. You now have your answer. The symbol for cubic meter is m3. One cubic foot is the equivalent to approximately 0.02831685 cubic metres, or 28.3169 litres. This gives you a volume figure in cubic feet. If the Square Feet to Cubic Feet calculator was useful to you, there are several simple ways for you to share this tool with others or display the results on your own webpage. Select a conversion type and the desired units. Let's start off by discussing the use of the word 'convert'. The following is a list of definitions relating to conversions between cubic meters and cubic feet. Due to the fact that the square foot is a unit of area, with two dimensions, and the cubic yard is a unit of volume, with three dimensions, this isn't a conversion - it's a calculation. Convert to cubic yards: Divide your cubic feet figure by 27. Full disclaimer. All rights reserved. Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to convert between Volume units. What is Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)? Online cubic inches to cubic feet converter tool is a conversion tool that converts cubic inches to cubic feet online only. (Includes Calculator), Calculate the volume: Multiply your area figure by the depth/height. Let's take a closer look at the conversion formula so that you can do these conversions yourself with a calculator or with an old-fashioned pencil and paper. need to include an extra dimension (height/depth, for example). In this case, it should be a measurement in feet. Cubic yards = [width × length × height in ft] ÷ 27, Cubic yards = [square feet × height in ft] ÷ 27. Note: There is a difference between US Customary Units and the Imperial System for volume conversions. Please help me spread the word by sharing this with friends or on your website/blog. Cubic yard to Square feet Calculator: Cubic yard (yd 3) : Square feet (ft 2) : Home. To calculate cubic yards from a square feet figure, we need to include an extra dimension - height/depth. TIP: If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals". A cubic foot is a unit of volume in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. Note: these formulae assume all measurements are in feet. Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made in building this calculator, we are not to be held There are 0.0283168466 cubic meters in a cubic foot. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This tool is here purely as a service to you, please use it at your own risk. It's important that the height/depth dimension is in the same unit as the others. The symbol for cubic foot is ft3. The following tables provide a summary of the Volume units (both Fluid Volume units and Cubic Volume units) within their respective measurement systems. Check cubic feet to cubic inches converter for future use. For quick reference purposes, below is a conversion table that you can use to convert from m 3 to ft 3. Task: Convert 50 cubic meters to cubic feet (show work) Formula: m 3 ÷ 0.0283168466 = ft 3 Calculations: 50 m 3 ÷ 0.0283168466 = 1,765.73333558 ft 3 Result: 50 m 3 is equal to 1,765.73333558 ft 3.