The most common ways to frame the call-to-action in the P.S.

Well, if you started out in January earning $100 per email, a 3% improvement per week would have your last email of December earning you $465.10. Get the daily newsletter digital marketers rely on. Videos can have major impact on engagement rates, but sometimes they curb deliverability rates. Testing visuals is crucial for determining what kind works best for your audience. You should also use images of some of the items that are on sale to entice them to make a purchase. Some elements deserve more tests than others. As long as the consumer feels like he isn’t being bothered, he’ll stay engaged with your brand. Businesses need effective email … 1) Create each version of your test as a separate campaign. 7) Call to action phrasing. demo, How to Use Email Segmentation for Smarter Ecommerce, Smart Segmentation Is Here—and 4 Ways You Should Be Using It. For some guidance, take a look at this email from Bed Bath & Beyond, which is specific and tells customers exactly what they need to do to take advantage of the deal. The Sundance catalog got radically higher open rates, clickthrough rates and revenues per email simply by changing how quickly they sent welcome emails. 8) Once you’ve chosen “Standard” or “Autopilot”, click the “Save and Send” button. As an email marketer myself, I’ve definitely been there. We have a report about the best and worst times to send email.

With the New Year coming up fast, many of us are already planning January campaigns. With A/B testing, you’re able to see whether recipients are more or less likely to take an action when presented with the variable.


You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

Those with only one tweet, however, perform even worse than CTAs with no elements of social proof. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news.
Ongoing testing leverages that force.

15) Navigation links in header versus no navigation links in header. Use a name you’ll recognize a year from now. Using HTML in your emails allows you to add in pictures, background images, and custom coding. Amazon is no stranger to this concept, either. This is a gem of a test. 1) Plan Text vs. HTML: You probably know it's a best practice to always send a plain text version of your HTML emails in case there are rendering problems; but did you ever consider that a plain text email might just ... perform better? Test if sending email campaigns from a person or using your business name generates better open rates.

But we also encourage you to test the effectiveness of those templates, as some layouts and designs might perform better than others.

“Friendly From” Name. And when consumers receive marketing messages via email, they are likely to spend 138% more than the consumers who don’t opt into emails.

2) From within your Pinpointe account, go to Email Campaigns > View Split Tests. By finding the most common customer support questions, Flightfox was able to pull together a campaign that truly answers customers’ questions and focuses on them. When you send out product emails, you may be writing, “Get 10% off today!” This might be too vague for your customers. You can test a small design change or completely different templates. Shorter Emails: You could also decide to wax poetic in your emails, or keep it short and sweet. Test out different image types to see what strikes your readers' fancy. 18) Offer Type: The type of offer you're sending might also have an impact on conversions, particularly across different list segments. 12) Header colors.