Does anyone here also have orange tongue with the bad tasting mouth? You should be tested for (1) small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO); get a Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CDSA) which will determine if you have insufficient acid and will look for candida overgrowth, and (3) test you for the presence of excess heavy metals in your body, Thank you for your story Claudia. • Shortness of breath If you want to try a natural product, get Mega Guard(in our apothecary), one capsule twice a day, I had a bout of gastritis 2 weeks ago and took antacids that have aluminium hydroxide as an ingredient. That is my real worry, that I will burp up the enzymes and they will hurt my throat. Try the betaine alone for 2-3 weeks just to see if you really need the Nexium. Breast Cancer in the News Again, Belly Health, Rosacea, and A Starring Role for Mites, Behavior Modification for Doctors: How Insurance Companies Do It, Brain-Boosting Supplements and Smart Drugs. Best, Yesterday after having a large but healthy lunch and half a cup of coffee, I got this sudden very bitter taste in my mouth.. worse than the metallic taste I had before. I have many of the same symptoms as Claudia. Try the protocol and supplements recommended in the health tip; this has helped many people. If the tests are positive, a 6 week course of Diflucan or Sporanox (anti candida meds) may be needed, My history is complicated. I have also suffered with a horrible taste but only the right side of my mouth. Don’t want to start hcl incase got too much acid. Go to and click ‘find a practitioner.’ Hi Dr. Can I assume that I can find the Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL) supplement at WalMart or Target pharmacies? Please contact Patient Services for details and scheduling a telemedicine appointment, or to change a regular appointment to telemedicine by calling 773-296-6700. Search by name or medical condition. From your description of symptoms, this sounds like small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Is there any known amount of time this takes for these side effects to stop? I’ve also started to have this weird metallic taste in my mouth. Help! Hi Dr. So this article did not explain why pantoprazole gave me a horrible taste in my mouth and burning throat and why 4 months later there is no improvement. Also remember to use a tongue scraper every single day after brushing your teeth May God Bless you, It has been a nightmare. The Heidleberg test (see link) for the amount of stomach acid you produce (or are failing to produce) These are called “motility studies” and if your stomach doesn’t empty well, there are good prescription meds for this Just recently I have had an awful taste in my mouth bitter sour and salty but don’t have any underlying condition other then gerds. What should I do? I can’t get rid of this nasty bitter taste in my mouth for 3 months. Cannot notice a change yet but less than 24 hrs since first dose and uncertain of the usual starting dose? I’ve had this same history and strong acidic taste in mouth over last few years, the taste has recently become worse and for most of the day (I’m usually okay upon waking and it increases throughout the day). Would this supplement help. Had endoscopy 2 weeks ago which came out perfect. Had endoscope which showed very small hiatus hernia and barium swallow showing my oesophagus is weak so food is travelling back up and causing me to have this bitter taste in my mouth and I am often sick! Best wishes Susie. I have NO idea if this could actually be related to stomach acid issues in some way but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Try it for a couple of weeks and see if your bad taste starts to clear. Dr M. Can you take this supplement in place of omeprazole? Thx, Hi Janet – And that actor–what was his name? The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions. Otherwise, look for docs in your area that specialize in integrative and/functional medicine. • Sore throat I had read the book, “dropping acid, …..” and too much acid was mentioned in that book I believe. Once in your stomach, the whole mess is churned with pure hydrochloric acid and still more enzymes into a thick sludge called chyme (pronounced kim with a long i). She used to be able to eat fruit at that period of time (papaya / banana) but lately when she tried eating this the salty taste become worse same goes for when she eat fish or chicken. I just want to know what it wrong with me. It sounds as if you needa gastroscopy (looking in your stomach). 2 weeks later salt taste in mouth..i am again put on antibiotics for this taste. There are medical conditions, covered below, associated with brain fog that your doctor can screen for using a few simple blood tests. During a telemedicine visit, you and your healthcare provider can review medical history, discuss symptoms, arrange for prescriptions, and more. Perhaps I’m just an airswallower. We are going on 7 months with this nitemare.