Muslim called him Imam Bukhari. Return to Allàh You guys just beat around bush as usual but adil has proven in details so enxt time if you comments here first read and understand because reading is not enough you also need to understand meaning because holy scripture is like that maybe you pastors didn’t tell you. I have read numerous other verses, paragraphs from both Bible and Quran which have lead me to truly believe Mohammed is a False Prophet. Why is that? If God poisons a man, is that not a clear sign of that individual being punished? 5He sent still another, and that one they killed. Dear Ali: I've heard the Quran is considered a mathematical wonder. Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran There will never be a time What we disagree about is the interpretation/meaning. been please to assign for you Islam as Al-Mala'ikah (Angles) 88 Sometime later this man is run over by a pickup truck. Hadith says: No need to SEEK the ILM GHAIB, Bukhari will see you through., Qur’an says: DAUD is Feminine. True Prophets were also poisoned in 2 Kings 4:38. Thereupon he said: Allah will never give you the power to do it. It seems to me that the Qur’an focuses on Muhammad, because–unlike the Bible–it was given in a single generation. Would you think he was a prophet based on what he said and how he died? of times in Arabic Qur'an: Dunia (one name for life) 115. Wateen extends to the back. Muhammed 4 . Hadith is the MISGUIDANCE of ALLAH SubhanawataaLla to Evil People.❌. if not, then that means that he is in fact not lying and saying false things, because surely God will not let that man continue spreading his lies, espacialy that saying “cut his arteria ” indicates that he will die very quickly, as for Mohammed ,he died several years after eating the posined meat, as for the reason why he didnt die immediatley like he’s companion who ate with him from the poisoned meat, is because he was sent by God to deliver the Quran and teach people their religion, and he was not done doing both, so it was not meant for him to die then, but when his duties were done, God ended his time here on earth. Some have pointed out that the Arabic words translated “aorta” are different in the Quran and hadith. He then said about the pain of which he died: I continued to feel pain from the morsel which I had eaten at Khaybar. Jesus and Muhammad, the Bible and Quran. However, he was not executed in the manner mentioned in the above verses, proving that the Prophet (peace be upon him) never deviated from perfectly conveying Allah’s message; not even a tiny bit. If we add up the total words of both "sea" and "land" Such a thing is medically impossible and is therefore a miracle. Here, the Prophet (peace be upon him) is SPECULATING that his illness that is about to kill him, is due to the incident that took place in Khaybar few years before, where a Jewish woman offered him poisoned meat and he took a small bite of it. Jeremiah was stoned to death in Ancient Eqypt. they should repent and come to Christ. The most blatant and obvious was Muhammad’s denial of the historical event of Jesus’ death on the cross. One day some people came to Mohammed, but they complained that they were not feeling well, so he told them to drink camel’s urine and milk and soon they became well, they accepted Islam, but on their way back they robbed the herd of camel. Allah did not kill the Prophet ﷺ as every living creature has to taste death and the Prophets of God are human and are no exception to death. The verses, addressing the pagans of Makkah, tell us that Quranic revelations were being spoken by an honorable Messenger, not by a poet nor a soothsayer. My Bounty in full measure, and have Context of the Quranic Verse: The next set of traditions affirms that a Jewess successfully poisoned Muhammad which, even by Muhammad’s own admission, caused him great pain that eventually resulted in his death: A Jewess brought a poisoned (cooked) sheep for the Prophet who ate from it. Still have questions? Your convoluted apologetic is a little weak. He was a smart, but evil man in disguise as a Prophet. Nation of Farakhan. Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran So I ask you, it took God almost two decades to kill a false prophet, who by the way had completed his book by the time he died and claimed/challenged that he should be dead already if he were a liar? But the fact of the matter is that there was a judgment uttered by Muhammad apparently from Allah warning Muhammad against misrepresenting Allah by his words. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: And I do not think about my illness except that. . Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran Mohammed sent a hunting raid and got them back. hope that cleared up the non-existent contradiction. In the name of Allah he says, “If he forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah), then We certainly would run him run over with a car.”. Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran – so as everyone can see here muhammad actually forged things against God which warranted his death by cutting off his AORTA as stated in both the quran & hadith. Chaser, if you begin with the belief Muhammad was a prophet, then I can understand why you don’t find my argument to be strong. Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60. It would have mattered if a truck, not a car, had run over because God should be able to take care of these details. Hadith says: Mariam was in Jerusalem etc., Qur’an says: QIBLAH is WEST and EAST. He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. To stay within context, we need to interpret verses 44-48 of the same chapter: {And if he had forged a false saying concerning Us} (69:44). Ibn Abbas said, “It (Al-Wateen) is a vein attached to the artery of the heart. So you see Allah has made a big mistake. 2) The number of times the word Land Mentioned in the quran (Divide) The Sum of the words Sea + Water mentioned in the quran and times it by 100 : 13 / 45 X 100 = 28.88888888889 % And by this simple equation, we get the final answer to this miracle, which was in the quran for more than 14 centrys, and just now the New Age Sience is Discovered : Moreover, he repeated that the pain of feeling like his aorta had been cut came at multiple places and at different times. Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran Now six hundred years after Jesus, comes Mohammed and what did he do. The Qur’an is not an historical book. On the back. In the holy Quran Mousa PBUH is the most mentioned prophet of all. 10 May Yahweh help and guide you in the straight path (Psalm 25:4-5). Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that those that want to succeed in this life and the hereafter. Jazakunlahu khairan,I was scared wit d first article saying the wrong tin about the prophet, the fact that Muhammad was killed by the poison proves he was a false prophet. If God was brown skinned Allah, why would he invent white people? Publicising 18 Who brought the Qur’an and who brought the Hadith? Most of the Muslims in the third world like Pakistan, India Bangladesh and Africa are illiterate, they only breed and create more poverty. ….Narrated ‘Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, “O ‘Aisha! Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 . Excatly where Wateen extends. Al-Mar'ha (Women) 24 He tied their hands and legs and then cut their feet and hands and used hot nails and pierced their eyes and then left them in the desert to die. If one stands by the Koran alone, then there is no way to explain who was Moses,bani Israel. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watchtower. Sam, Bravo , here are three clear evidences from some islamic sources which proved that muhammad did forged things against allah after he allah had promised earlier in surah 69:44-46 to cut-off muhammad’s aorta if he should do such things – now according to tarikh al-tabari volume 6 page 111 muhammad said: I HAVE FABRICATED THINGS AGAINST GOD AND HAVE IMPUTED TO HIM WORDS WHICH HE HAS NOT SPOKEN. 2 — is evidence that he wasn’t a prophet of Yahweh. One more thing you guys talk about Jesus PBUH and other prophets PBUH but have you ever follow their preaching you guys follow pastors and church. Going back to the hadith that you have mentioned, the same expression was stated in several hadith by many different narrators; I will stick to Abu Dawud’s version: Narrated Umm Mubashshir that she said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) during the sickness of which he died from: What do you think about your illness, Apostle of Allah? another. Now if we do a simple calculation: In the second Sura Allah suddenly talks about Moses, Bani Israel, Adam and all the Judaic Prophets, without telling anything about who these people are.Even the name of Adam children is never mentioned, but yet when you ask a Muslim and he knows. Sharee'ah (Muhammed's teachings) 4. Thank you for taking the time to comment. May Allah REWARD you for seeking knowledge and attempting to clear misconceptions about our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). the Jews wanted to kill the Messenger ﷺ on several occasions, including the following: Word/ Meaning Mentioned in the Quran هلسيدفنالمسيح (عليهالسلام) فيالمدينةالمنورةإلىجوارالنبيمحمد (عليهالصلاةوالسلام)؟, Muhammad’s Proposed Cursing – Mubahala (Quran 3:59-61), The Quran’s corruption of history (Quran 4:157-158), The Quran’s corruption of God’s Law (Quran 33:37), denial of the historical event of Jesus’ death on the cross, historical event of Jesus’ death on the cross, Jesus already died on the cross and rose again from the dead.