(March 2009) Microwaves do not contain pressure within the chamber inside. Below is a science fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. …So, here’s the scenario: Some water is heated in the microwave and both the water and the container are clean enough that there are no nucleation sites. Either that or everyone is using dirty dishes. Well, to be honest, I thought it was common knowledge. In other words, molecules that are electric dipoles, of which water is the most efficient, rotate back and forth; the friction between them creates heat. What’s the right way to microwave pasta? If the cup is very new then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. This excitation is fairly uniform, leading to food being more evenly heated throughout (except in dense objects) than generally occurs in other cooking techniques. By (26), The USFDA requires all microwave ovens to have two independent interlock systems that stop the production of microwaves the moment the latch is released or the door opened. Water can be easily overheated to 120-150 degrees. But if you believe the claims by the anti-microwave fringe, whom I call the Microwave Militia, practically everyone on the planet should be gravely ill with cancer, radiation poisoning and malnutrition.”, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. Scared the shit out of me. The writer warns that water should never be heated by itself in a microwave and quotes a science teacher who says the eruption was because the water was heated in a new container that lacked scratches on the sides to allow bubbles to accumulate and be released. In their experiment, the person watering the plants didn’t know which water was which in order to “blind” them, which eliminates any possible influence from the waterer. Why are there no bubbles? A recycle symbol does not mean a container is safe to use or reuse in the microwave oven. Also my colleague said he watched a documentary on this. As a fitness professional, I often get asked about Microwave Dangers. Q: After a couple years of heating and cooking in a microwave, we finally question ourselves whether it’s safe to microwave water. Powered by Invision Community, 901 Jefferson St STE 207 This process is “dielectric heating.”, The literature reveals that microwave heating occurs by two mechanisms, which are dipolar polarization, and ionic conduction (Kingston and Jassie, 1998, Mingos and Baghurst, 1991 and Taylor et al., 2005). Water Heated a Microwave Can Violently Erupt and Cause Injury-Truth! The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it. To those of you who say it cannot happen with tap water I say bollocks. He has been a featured presenter at conferences held by such organizations as IDEA, NSCA, DCAC, and ECA, along with teaching staff trainings at fitness clubs throughout the United States. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.'. BOTTOM LINE: Absolute claims about household microwaves causing cancer, or damaging human reproductive, nervous or immune system are at this point completely unsubstantiated, as the current evidence for cause and effect in the area is virtually non-existent. I've found it happens more frequently with purified water than with non-purified tap water. its called Super Heating - heating of a liquid to a temperature above its normal boiling point. “Some nutrients do break down when they’re exposed to heat, whether it is from a microwave or a regular oven. – The fact-checking website Snopes debunked the claims regarding the two pictured plants (below) that many of the Microwave Dangers websites love to talk about: one that was given microwaved water and a second plant that received purified water. You can have supercooled water which instantly turns into ice upon shaking. Put simply, we don’t care about what so and so says, we’re concerned about the VALIDITY of what so and so says. Basically because it has happened to me twice - fortunately my face was not over the mug when it happened , but it certainly happened. i love learning something new. Your email address will not be published. As you may know, the Skeptoid podcast is a qualifying media outlet for the James Randi Educational Foundation’s Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge. Also, microwave ovens have been out 30(?) You must log in or register to reply here. But there is so much controversial information on the Internet. – A January 2008 report in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry said that boiling and steaming better preserves antioxidants, particularly carotenoid, in carrots, zucchini and broccoli, than frying. Yeah i found that out on accident once. Cups for yogurt or margarine can melt and ignite, while releasing toxins, Most metals, including aluminum and silver, can start to spark when heated, and this can damage the device and set it on fire, Sealed containers can explode under the pressure of hot steam, Take a large heat-resistant bowl, preferably a glassware, Pour 1.5-2 glasses of water (pasta must be 2-3 cm deep), It’s much faster if you boil water in the microwave first, Take it out (make sure you use a towel or a potholder – the bowl is very hot!) Water in a microwave can be dangerous-Truth! Before approving a container, the FDA conducts tests to make sure that it doesn’t leak unsafe amounts of any substance into food. So this reality has more to do with the act of cooking food than with the specific cooking method. At the same time, microwaving water is dangerous. In regard to water, as Snopes put it, “Water heated in a microwave oven is no different in ‘structure or energy’ than water heated with a gas flame, on an electric stove, or over a wood fire: it’s just water, plain and simple.”. While taking the cup out of the microwave, he notices the water doesn’t have any bubbles…at which point, the water boils up and explodes, giving him burns on his face and hands. The email also quotes a doctor who treated the injured son as saying that theses incidents are fairly common. Organizations such as the USFDA and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) have strict standards, and regular testing procedures in place to ensure their safety standards are upheld. ... "Microwaving Food in Plastic: Dangerous or Not?" Now I have bought a water boiler/heater to keep water hot for coffee/tea rather than using the microwave. So throw a little salt or sugar in there BEFORE HEATING to make sure it has minerals, and vola. And, over the course of 9 days, as you can see by the photos, the plant given microwaved-water shriveled and died, supposedly due to the adverse effects of “microwaved water.”. Water Heated a Microwave Can Violently Erupt and Cause Injury-Truth! I've seen this here in Boise: put a plastic water bottle onto the patio table over a freezing night. I had heard of superheating, but thought it was extremely rare (also thought Alton was merely impressing everyone with his knowledge of arcane cooking theory). At the same time, microwaving water is dangerous. Stir and check if the pasta is ready, Drain the water and add your favorite sauce, flavoring or cheese. These new chemicals are said to be dangerous, cancerous, radioactive, unnatural, or otherwise harmful. A 26-year old man decided to have a cup of coffee. Microwavable takeout dinner trays are formulated for one-time use only and will say so on the package. Or when you are making tea, you may also place your glass mug with water in the microwave for a minute or so. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Mar 19, 2009 #1. randy69 Registered Member. And, the burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one(s) making the claim – It is they (the claimer) who must reject the null hypothesis. It is thus scientifically incapable of causing radiolysis. He has worked with a variety of exercise enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels, including physique and performance athletes from the amateur to the professional ranks. Don't see the blackhat in this message but yeah putting a spoon of sugar in a boiling cup will do teh same thing. These new chemicals are said to be dangerous, cancerous, radioactive, unnatural, or otherwise harmful. Snopes does confirm it, but I don't see how this could be true. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat has built up, the liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point. Water changes from a liquid to a gas at 212F at standard atmospheric pressure. For example, when you are sterilizing jars you pour a little water in them. The superheated state is unstable, and it can very rapidly turn into liquid at the boiling point, plus a substantial quantity of vapor. Nick has been a fitness professional since 1998 and co-owned a private training center in Baltimore, Maryland, from 2001 to 2011. We also share information about your use of our site with our trusted social media, advertising and analytics partners. The writer warns that water should never be heated by itself in a microwave and quotes a science teacher who says the … Keep heating and heating distilled water, though, and you can produce this effect. The difficult thing can get simple if you follow these steps: Now you can make tea or coffee or use the water for any other purposes. In order for this to happen, though, the water has to be damn near pure with almost no contaminants. (13), – A 2002 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that cooking boosts the amount of lycopene in tomatoes. So, as a general proposition, cooking with a microwave probably does a better job of preserving the nutrient content of foods because the cooking times are shorter.” The University of Harvard Medical School (18), – The FDA, recognizing the potential for small amounts of plasticizers to migrate, closely regulates plastic containers and materials that come into contact with food. When manufacturers develop individual plastic packaging products, they often conduct additional testing based on a product’s intended use. (1) This is accomplished by using microwave radiation to heat polarized molecules within the food. Choose the right cookware designed specifically for the microwave. I usually throw a toothpick in before heating. While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this is a fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. The microwave might seem to be faster than a regular kettle or pan. Microwaving Water to Heat it Up ... Fortunately, severe superheating is much less common because defects, dirt, or other impurities usually help the water boil before it becomes truly dangerous. Quite simply, whenever anything says "I check snopes and it's true" - I'll confirm for myself. Mythbusters: I wouldn't say it's not true as in it hasn't happened. Nick is also a featured contributor to several popular fitness training websites. Can it explode from the cup scalding your face with 1st and 2nd degree burns? Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. And, the evidence we do have shows exactly the opposite! I understand the concept but I have never thought about it to the point of explaining the potential hazard to my kids. The conduction principal has much stronger effect in comparison to dipolar polarization for heat producing capacity (Keiko, 2003). (16), – A 2005 study published in Food Chemistry showed that boiling, steaming and microwaving had no difference on the content of phenolics and antioxidants in pepper, squash, green beans, peas, leek, broccoli and spinach.(17).