Use this page to learn how to convert between miles/hour and miles/minute. If you set a goal of running a marathon in less than two hours and 30 minutes, you need to accurately determine the pace at which you should run per mile during the race to reach that goal. I suspect it has to do with the formatting of the cell in which I enter the pace. To get a weighted average for pace you have to sum the miles, then sum the minutes, then divide the sum of minutes by the sum of miles. mile per hour = 60 ÷ (minute per mile) How many minutes per mile in a mile per hour: If v … mph to nautical mile/day My Conversion Problem for Minutes per Mile to MPH. symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, mph to centimeter/minute 300 mph = 5 mile/minute. ›› Quick conversion chart of mph to mile/minute I can use =AVERAGE(B2:B8) to get the answer 18:47 but have to have the same cell formatting as the pace range. minutes seconds per mile mph (miles per hour) minutes seconds per km minutes seconds per 5km kph (km per hour) Time of marathon and lap time; Marathon min/mile mph min/km; 3 hours: 6 m 51 s: 8.7: 4 m 15 s: 3 h 30 m: 8 m 00 s: 7.4: 4 m 58 s: 4 hours: 9 m 09 s: 6.5: 5 m 41 s: 4. 700 mph = 11 2 3 mile/minute. There are a couple of ways to convert minutes:seconds to decimal minutes. mph to league/day For example, if you’d like to complete a marathon in two hours, 30 minutes and 45 seconds, the equation is: (2 x 60 x 60) + (30 x 60) + 45 = 9,045 seconds, Divide the total number of seconds by the total number of miles to determine the seconds per mile. Mph to Miles Per Minute Table100 to 1 × 10 6. mph to miles per minute. Suggestions? mph to megameter/minute We can then use a custom format of mm:ss for the Pace range and the conversion is complete. I’ve tried the custom mm:ss as used for the speed to pace conversion, but that doesn’t seem to work. Use the calculations suggested by expert track coach Jake Kuritz to calculate your pace. Please enter distance and pace (or speed ), and select the unit of them. as English units, currency, and other data. 100 mph = 1 2 3 mile/minute. to use the unit converter. This chart helps in converting from treadmill's miles per hour to the outside world of pace (minutes per mile). 200 mph = 3 1 3 mile/minute. Convert 13:22 to a time serial number by using the TIME Function, then multiply by 24 to get decimal hours. Miles per minute also can be marked as mile/minute. 86400 being the number of seconds in a day. Identify the distance you’ll travel in miles. The History of Microsoft Excel: How It Came to Be, How to Find Outliers in Excel in # Easy Steps. To respond to David’s question from above, was able to get 13:22 to display correctly in A2 and get the correct values in B2 and C2 by entering the following in A2 in conjunction with mm:ss formatting…. We assume you are converting between mile/hour and mile/minute. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! The equation for cell B2 is: This formula works because column B is formatted using the mm:ss custom format. Multiply the number after the decimal by 60 to get the seconds: .75 x 60 = 45. Thanks – and thanks for this posting. 400 mph = 6 2 3 mile/minute. Miles per hour is a unit of speed, expressing the number of international miles covered per hour. 1 meter/second is equal to 2.2369362920544 mph, or 0.03728227153424 mile/minute. Pingback: Aircraft Models and Kits » Blog Archive » Jet Model Airplanes Video. Combining equations in cells B2 and C2 gets us the conversion in one big equation: Here we simply invert the decimal hours to get our answer, one (1) divided by 0.0222778 decimal hours, gives us 4.49 MPH. Unit Descriptions; 1 Mile per Hour: A distance of one international mile or 1 760 international yards or exactly 1609.344 meters travelled in one hour or exactly 3 600 seconds. Mile Per Minute (mi/min) is a unit of Speed used in Standard system. This solution uses the Excel Functions MINUTE and SECOND. For example, if you’re running a marathon, the distance would be 26.2 miles. Use this page to learn how to convert between miles/hour and miles/minute. But when I stated talking with other runners, mph didn't mean as much to them as min/mile. 1 mph to mile/minute = 0.01667 mile/minute, 10 mph to mile/minute = 0.16667 mile/minute, 20 mph to mile/minute = 0.33333 mile/minute, 40 mph to mile/minute = 0.66667 mile/minute, 50 mph to mile/minute = 0.83333 mile/minute, 100 mph to mile/minute = 1.66667 mile/minute, 200 mph to mile/minute = 3.33333 mile/minute. Just copy either formula directly from this comment and a paste it into the formula bar of your Excel worksheet. Google Sheets vs Excel: How Do They Differ? So now I have a conversion chart for MPH to Pace and can probably remember that a pace of 13:22 is close to 4.5 MPH, which is helpful to me. You can view more details on each measurement unit: The average of paces is really and average of averages. Many road races, such as 10Ks and half-marathons, provide pace wristbands so that you can maintain the proper pace to reach your goal finishing time. If the time was 2 hours, you would multiply 2 by 60, which equals 120 minutes. 1 mph = 0.447 04 m/s. Since 2000, Beth Dreher has covered health, fitness, sports, nutrition, gear, business and relationships for national publications such as "Men's Health," "Runner's World," "Spry" and "Health." metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more! Examples include mm, mph to yard/hour If you set a goal of running a marathon in less than two hours and 30 minutes, you need to accurately determine the pace at which you should run per mile during the race to reach that goal. (Hours x 60 x 60) + (minutes x 60) + seconds = time in seconds. You can do the reverse unit conversion from The answer is 60. When we divide 3600 by an MPH value, it gives us the number of seconds it takes to go one mile. Calculating your minutes-per-mile pace helps you set and reach goals for both running and walking. The average of averages is (30 + 6) / 2 = 18 minutes per mile, and ignores the number of miles at a particular pace. How many mph in 1 mile/minute? Simply divide 60 min/hr by the 13.37 pace/mile to get 4.49 MPH. 2) 1 mile in 30 minutes, a pace of 30 minutes per mile. Miles per hour also can be marked as mile/hour and mi/h. Based on these calculations, to run a marathon in 2 hours, 30 minutes and 45 seconds, you need to run each mile at a 5-minute, 45-second pace. The problem I have is converting my Average Pace to Miles per Hour (MPH). Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. mph to millimeter/microsecond. Calculating your minutes-per-mile pace helps you set and reach goals for both running and walking. mph to foot/hour The SI derived unit for speed is the meter/second. mile/minute to mph, or enter any two units below: mph to inch/second How about you? 1 Mile per hour = 1.60934 kilometers per hour = 0.44704 meters per second (SI base unit).