Scholars have studied different Celtic symbols and came with the conclusion that this represents the five fundamental elements of the universe which are earth, water, sun, air, and fire. Many of them have rich stories behind them and others have meanings unknown. I saw it in a book. In that book it represented the three fates: life, death, and faith. The interlacing lines of the Celtic circular knot stands for "no beginning, no ending, the continuity of everlasting love and binding together or intertwining of two soul or spirits. Generally the Chevron symbol represents dutiful service given freely. The triple spiral is one of the main symbols of Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism, often standing for the "three realms" - Land, Sea and Sky, or for one of a number of deities who are described in the lore as "threefold" or triadic. Thank You in advance. Such knots are famous for being used as ornaments of Christian monuments and in manuscripts such as 8th–century Book of Kells and Lindisfarne Gospel. Countless Irish legends revolve around trees. Oaktree is the symbol of power and strength which is why the Dara knot is the best Celtic symbol for strength. Like all Celtic knots, the triquetra is made with one continuous line that interweaves around itself. This gave them their dark, glossy surface, along with a very distinct odour. The eternity knot could be any of the Celtic knot design patterns that have a closed path. There is a widely-known legend in Ireland, which tells that the Celtic cross was introduced by Saint Patrick or Saint Declan when they were converting pagans in Ireland, althrough there is no examples from this period exist now. It is referred to as the Three Rays of Light and it signifies essence. We are halfway through this incredible list. Historians see her as being very similar to Minerva and Athena. It is woven out of rushes and sometimes straw on the feast of Imbolc to mark the beginning of spring. My name is Justine O’Neill. While Ireland has changed drastically over centuries, elements of an… In many traditions, harps symbolize the connection between earth and heaven. Learn English The ‘GH’ ending is added for phonetic English speakers to create the guttural, phlegmy sound that doesn’t have a character in our language. The word “Awen” means inspiration or essence in the Celtic language and it first appeared in the 9th-century book “Historia Brittonum.”. If you enjoyed this article and are in the mood for some Irish humour I have 30 of the best Irish jokes for you to read here or 15 more Irish jokes here. Follow this link to learn more about tree symbolism and their meanings. The cross of triquetras or the Carolingian cross. Some ancient Celts believed the trees represented balance and harmony in life. Waited for him for years after Joyce was kidnapped by pirates, sold into slavery, and later regained his freedom. Some people interpret it as standing for the infinite quality of some objects or attributes, while others consider that it emphasizes the “endless” quality. She is regarded as a triple goddess and protectress, giving generously to all living things. Anciently, it was a universally known symbol for protection from danger and warding off evil spirits. Ireland Travel Guides aims to help travelers to find their way for the first time in Ireland. that today’s culture craves certainly speaks to the spellbinding power of the Celtic mystique. Among the Celts the shape acted as the mark of a warrior or hunter, or someone in the community who was a builder.