Disadvantages Or Problems Of Federal System. The executive may follow a policy which may not be acceptable to the legislature. Forms of Government : Presidential : Features, Merits, Demerits The presidential form of government is that in which the executive is not responsible to the legislature. 4. There is division of powers between the states, regions and the central government. 2. The constitution makes provision for a prescribed method of amending it because of it’s rigid nature. ARTICLES ON BUSINESS IDEAS AND OPPORTUNITIES, 30 Best Art & Craft Business Ideas And Opportunities, 20 Best Automotive Business Ideas & Opportunities, 20 Best Business Ideas In The Entertainment Industry, 20 Best Fashion Business Ideas & Opportunities, 25 Best Importation And Exportation Business Ideas, 30 Best Internet & Online Business Ideas And Opportunities, 20 Best Media Business Ideas And Opportunities, 10 Best Oil And Gas Business Ideas And Opportunities, 10 Best Real Estate Business Ideas & Opportunities, 25 Best Service Business Ideas & Opportunities, 20 Travel, Hospitality And Tourism Business Ideas. Because of provincial or regional autonomy, the administration of these areas becomes very efficient. 9. Similar is the case with India and other countries. The presidential form of government is that in which the executive is not responsible to the legislature. Fifty states of America could not have become so powerful if they had not joined the American Federation. Such powers include: Health, Education Agriculture, Road Construction and Maintenance, Housing etc. In a federal system, power sharing is classified into three: Exclusive powers are those functions or powers of government reserved for the central government only. Main Features Of A Federal System Of Government. States or provinces in India could neither defend themselves against expansionist China and aggressor Pakistan, nor could they establish their political and cultural relations with other countries of the world, in their individual capacity, as every state had lacked ample economic resources to meet all the expenses. Definition,…, Types Of Government And Their Characteristics, Development And Nation Building: Meaning, Principles And Effects Of Development, Meaning And Definition Of Cultural And National Identity: And Factors That Militates Against The Achievement Of Nigeria National Identity, Meaning And Definition Of Divorce: Causes And Effects, Meaning And Definition Of Social Change: Agencies And Theories, Meaning And Definition Of Family: Characteristics And Functions, Confederal System Of Government: Meaning, Main Features, Merits And Demerits. The California Air Resources Board was established in 1967, before passage of the federal Clean Air Act. The possibility of bringing the government nearer to the people compel states to adopt federal system. 6. Resource allocation and sharing often bring about problems. 3. It is the working agency of the State. President can be removed by the legislature only by a process of impeachment. The California Air Resources Board was established in 1967, before passage of the federal Clean Air Act. DEMERITS • Fear of central dictatorship and despotism. 8. The constitution does not guarantee succession of any region in the federal state. 4. The existence of tribal differences such as diversities in culture, religion, language, custom and tradition give room for federal system of government. 3. There is no nominal or ceremonial executive. When elections to the provincial legislatures and local bodies take place, and when the representatives of the people run the local and provincial administration, people take keen interest in the administration. 2. 2. The presidential form of government is that in which the executive is not responsible to the legislature. Similarly several Indian princely states could not get any importance in the international field, if they had not joined the Indian Union. The Existence Of A Supreme Court: The supreme court reviews and acts as a funnel arbiter in matters of constitutional conflict. Features Of A Federal System Of Government 4. Departmental System of Organisation: 3 Advantages | Public Administration, 7 Features of the Swiss Federal Legislature, Merits and Demerits of Flexible Constitution, Essay on Village Panchayats | India | Political Science, Essay on Communalism | India | Political Science, Directive Principles of State Policy | Essay | India | Political Science, Essay on Justice | India | Political Science. The president is the real executive. 4. 7. 10. Meaning Of Federal System Of Government. Division of functions has made it possible for matters of local interest to be allocated to the state or local government. Hi.The answer to your question is: FEDERAL Demerits: 1. In a federal system of government, resources, amenities, appointment and location of structures are shared based on quota system to maintain balance among the state, regions or local government in the country. In big countries, there are diverse nationalities, races, religions and cultures and federal government gives them special facilities and safeguards, which help them in making a rapid progress. 1. In a federal system of government, the federal authority represent the whole and cut behalf of all in certain matters and areas considered to be of common interest. In this way cultural and administrative autonomy is given to different nationalities and regions and matters like Defence, Foreign Affairs, Communication, etc., are given to the centre. 3. There is continuous and consistent policy. The executive is not responsible to the legislature and can do whatever it pleases. In this type of government, local self-government, regional autonomy and national unity are possible. This is also applicable to the Soviet Union, Brazil, Australia and West Germany. They could also not have enjoyed that prestige in international field, which they enjoy now as a strong nation. Disadvantages Of Federal System. The economic sources of the country are increased in a federation and the country can face droughts, famines and other natural calamities without much difficulty. (3) People take more interest in local and regional affairs: In a federal government the provinces, regions or the states enjoy separate rights and they have separate cabinets and legislatures. 3. There is room for wider consultation before decision are taken and implemented. Reasons For Adopting A Federal System Of Government. 8. Advantages Highly suitable during the period of national crisis. It brings about inter-state frictions due to conflicts over geographical boundaries. The Presidential executive finds it difficult to follow a vigorous foreign policy, as there is no harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislature. They also assists state region or local authorities with powers of legislation and administration within constitutional limits. All the powers are vested in the hands of the president. The size of a given country i.e large and diverse geographical areas are considered reason for federal system of government. 7. Forms of Government -> 1.Dictatorial 2.Democratic, Democratic -> 1.Presidential 2.Parliamentary. The president is the real executive. We Provide Information And Tips-Influencial Articles That Matters To You, By Ambassador Victor Chidera The federal Environmental Protection Agency has adopted California emissions standards nationally, starting with the 2016 model year, and is working with California regulators to establish stricter national emissions standards going forward. In this video, I deal with the concept of Federal Form of Government in detail- the meaning, features and merits and demerits of a federal government are … 2. 1. The need to put resources together to form a stronger economy can necessitate federal system. The over all idea of a federalist government is a great one, but let’s take a look at both sides of the issue. © 2017 PoliticalScienceNotes - All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy Contact Us, © 2017 PoliticalScienceNotes - All rights reserved, Nature of the Division of Powers in Switzerland | Political System. Local governments have also separate rights and the councils elected by the people run the local administration. It is highly expensive. 8. 5. Emphasis is placed on area of origin. In a federation the centre looks after many common subjects, and the states have not to incur expenditure on them. 1. 7. 1. The following are some of the advantages or merits of Government Companies. The world-known politicians are of the belief that world’s government is the only solution to the problem of world peace. 4. Merits of Government companies. The country can formulate a sound economic policy; it can build big dams and establish industries for its prosperity. Governmental functions are constitutionally shared into exclusive for the central government, residual for states and regions while concurrent is shared between the centre and the state. A Better Understanding The central government has no true way to understand what issues and changes need to be made in every area of the country. The structure of the world state cannot be unitary; it can only be federal. There is always a tug-of- war between national and local interest 3. 1:. Federalism brings about fast development due to competition among states, regions etc. 3. 4. The Presidential executive finds it difficult to follow a vigorous foreign policy, as there is no harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislature. Meaning Of Federal System Of Government For economic prosperity many plans have been executed in India. Advantages: It allows continuity so it creates stability It preserves history, culture, and tradition It balances power Monarch has the right to be consulted the right to be advised, and the right to warm Formal powers - giving Royal Assent, dissolving the parliament Disadvantages… Moreover, in this type of government some rights are given to the central government and the rest to the states or the provinces. in Information Arena April 1, 2020, 1. Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail, Forms of Government : Presidential : Features, Merits, Demerits. The regular supply of necessities is ensured in scarcity areas without much expenditure. Such powers include: Defence, Foreign affairs, Currency, International passport, International trade, Immigration and Emigration etc. Federalism delay decision taken and implementation due to difficult in constitutional amendments. (1) Reconciliation of local autonomy with national unity: The main advantage of a federal government is that in a country where there are many diversities and the establishment of a unitary government is not possible, a political organisation can be established through this form of Government. Highly suitable during the period of national crisis. 2. Meaning of Government Company: A Government company is one in which not less than 51% of the paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government or a State Government or jointly by both.