Closure and Abandonment, Exhibit B – Table 4-4: Commercial Design Standards, Exhibit C – Figure 4-7: Industrial District Site Design Standards, Exhibit E – Article 20. Administrative Special Use Permit Applications, CITY DISTRICTS, LANDMARKS, AND HISTORIC PROPERTIES MAP, Helpful Hints for Approaching the Planning Commission, CITY OF SHREVEPORT – UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, City of Shreveport – UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, City of Shreveport Applications, Checklists, & Website, CADDO PARISH APPLICATIONS, Checklists, & Website, Applying for a Small Wireless Facility Permit, Small Wireless Facility Design Guidelines, District 12 Comments, Bill Cockrell Community Center, View the City of Shreveport – Unified Development Code, Exhibit C – Article 10.6. The Shreveport Unified Development Code was implemented in May 2017. The following resource guides and manuals help provide more detail on portions of the UDC. Use the search engine below to find a specific address. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In If you have questions about the UDC, please call 318.673.6480 to speak with a MPC Planner. Below is a Master List of ALL Code-text amendments that have been recommended by the Shreveport-Caddo Metropolitan Planning Commission and adopted by the Shreveport City Council. Temporary  Outdoor Events, Exhibit F – Article 6.2.G. Most of these updates are simple house-keeping and corrective changes due to oversight, grammatical mistakes, contradictions or missing items. The City of Shreveport Zoning Map and Caddo Parish Zoning Map are for general reference only and not to be used for zoning verification. The maps allow you to pan, zoom, and clicking on features to learn more. While this online map is the most current and accurate version of the zoning map, if you have technical issues, a dated PDF map for the City of Shreveport is available here. Periodically, revisions are required to reflect the changing nature of business in our community. Annexation Standards, Exhibit B – Article 15.4 Neighborhood Participation Plan, Exhibit C – Figure 16.2: Zoning Change (Map Amendment), Exhibit D – Figure 16.3: Special Use Permit, Exhibit E – Figure 16.4: Variance to Zoning, Exhibit C – Table 9-3: Freestanding Sign Regulations, Exhibit B – Article 22. RESTAURANT RE-OPENING PROCEDURES In accordance with Governor John Bel Edwards’ COVID-19 Proclamation to be released May 1, 2020, all restaurants that provide outdoor dining areas must adhere to strict mitigation … First, it avoids overlapping, conflicting, or inconsistent requirements by providing one source for all standards and approval procedures. DISCLAIMER This data has been compiled by The Shreveport | Caddo Metropolitan Planning Commission using various official and unofficial sources. Periodically, revisions are required to reflect the changing nature of business in our community. Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, no such guarantee is given or implied. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In The GIS Department utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to provide maps and geo-spatial analysis services to the public and is responsible for developing and maintaining a centralized GIS database, sharing and developing data with federal, state, and local agencies. Administrative Special Use Permit, Exhibit F – Article 20.5. Print ALL District Map(pdf) Custom map request form Please use the online map or call 318.673.6480 to confirm the zoning of a property. Approximately 140,000 parcels of property exist within the Metropolitan Planning Limits, and each is currently zoned for a wide array of uses permitted by the applicable zoning district classification as shown in our current City of Shreveport Zoning Map and Caddo Parish Zoning Map. Interactive Maps. Browse the available district maps for Shreveport. Wireless Telecommunications, Exhibit C – Article 6.1.S. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO VIEW AND/OR PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING. See the City of Shreveport – UDC Informational Bulletin  for a summary of each article. The UDC has several advantages over maintaining separate zoning and subdivision ordinances. City Council District Map To view and print your City Council district, click on your district letter on the left-hand navigation. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In Some changes are always necessary in order to make adjustments for unintended limitations placed on certain industries, while others address innovations and unforeseen industry shifts. Some changes are always necessary in order to make adjustments for unintended limitations placed on certain industries, while others address innovations and unforeseen industry shifts. Second, the UDC is simpler for customers to use since they only need to become familiar with one set of standards. Please contact MPC Staff at 318-673-6480 for all zoning inquiries. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is a document that consolidates all development-related regulations including zoning requirements, subdivision regulations, design and development standards, and review procedures. COVID-19 PUBLIC MEETINGS Currently, all MPC and ZBA Public Meetings are held in Council Chambers. Recent zoning changes may not be updated on the maps posted on this site. Food Truck Park, Exhibit E – Article 6.2.E. The MPC’s interactive GIS maps are a great way to explore the MPC’s Planning Limits geographically. G. Temporary Sale of Non-Seasonal Merchandise, Exhibit G – Table 9-1: Summary of Permanent and Temporary Sign Permissions, Exhibit H – Table 9-1: Sign Types Requiring Permit District Permissions, City of Shreveport – UDC Informational Bulletin, Landscape | Tree Preservation Resource Manual. Administrative Special Use Permit Applications, CITY DISTRICTS, LANDMARKS, AND HISTORIC PROPERTIES MAP, Helpful Hints for Approaching the Planning Commission, CITY OF SHREVEPORT – UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, City of Shreveport – UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, City of Shreveport Applications, Checklists, & Website, CADDO PARISH APPLICATIONS, Checklists, & Website, Applying for a Small Wireless Facility Permit, Small Wireless Facility Design Guidelines, District 12 Comments, Bill Cockrell Community Center. Food Truck and Trailer Vendor, Exhibit C – Article 6.1.R. Most of these updates are simple house-keeping and corrective changes due to oversight, grammatical mistakes, contradictions or missing it… These responsibilities include maintaining GIS layers, providing support to other MPC Departments, and creating maps for all cases, projects and studies. These maps begin to show the power of GIS and how easy it is to use and include the zoning designation of all properties with the MPC Planning Limits. The City of Shreveport UDC is organized into 21 articles that cover zoning districts, land uses, development standards, signs, and procedures. Tree Preservation Incentive, Exhibit D – Table 15-1: Summary of Application Actions, Exhibit E – Article 16.4. All updates are aimed to help better serve the City in defining and regulating these uses. Interactive GIS Map Finally, by integrating all types of development, the UDC offers a more a more flexible and comprehensive approach to design, which leads to a more consistent treatment of different types of development. You can turn map layers on and off using the Layers tab and search for an address using the Find tab.