appeasing, conciliatory, disarming, dovish, mollifying, pacific, pacifying, peaceable,
1. The legal principle that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents. There is only one word from the list that isn’t dripping with blood-No. 1. For many, that has included continuing the practice of marrying within families, even when it predictably produces genetic disorders; such as, blindness and various mental disabilities.
All content Copyright © 2010 - 2020 Wordfind. Sanguineous : SANGUI neous (san gwin’ ee us) adj. All Free.
1. Sanguine : SANGUI ne (san’ gwin) adj. Consanguine. 11 Letter words that contain sangui. Cold-bloodedness; calmness; nonchalance A list of words that end with Sangui.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Sangui (words with the suffix sangui). Referring to blood or characterized by blood. 1.
9 Letter words that contain Sangui. ch_color_border = "FFFFFF"; Showing page 3 out of 5 pages of 61 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups. 8. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020. ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; A process or anything which causes a massive loss of blood. Bloodsucking Forum discussions with the word(s) "sangui-" in the title: In other languages: Spanish | French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic, WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2020. a combining form meaning "blood,'' used in the formation of technical terms: ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. 1. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. Lacking blood, or the destitution of blood; as opposed to a plethora of blood (excess or superabundance). Sanguifier : SANGUI fier (san’ gwi fie er) n. WORD … vas-;
Bloody; bloodthirsty hemoglobin-;
1. There is only one word from the list that isn’t dripping with blood-No. Words formed from any letters in sangui , plus an optional blank or existing letter List all words starting with sangui , words containing sangui or words ending with sangui A bloodsucker; leech var ch_queries = new Array( ); Mental Cogs Cognition. Cousin to cousin marriage or marriages as practiced by some groups of people around the world. âCompiled from information located in the "Word History" of; Destitute of blood or an excessive lack of blood; pale. 10-letter words starting with SANGUI ATTENTION! var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); Related: Words containing sangui. A reference to having the same lineage or origin and a common ancestor as others.
ch_width = 550; A Latin word meaning ‘to learn’ gives rise to the English word roots cogn and conn.. We have much to ‘learn’ in this post, which may take some cognition on your part, or mental process of ‘learning.’.
Such a temperament was called sanguine, the Middle English ancestor of the modern word sanguine. ch_vertical ="premium"; The source of the Middle English word was Old French sanguin, itself from Latin sanguineus.

. ch_color_site_link = "0D37FF"; A cerebral hemorrhage or the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain often followed by neurologic damage; a type of stroke. Sangui- definition: blood | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples We Promise. Showing page 1 out of 5 pages of 61 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups. } 13. Tinged with blood 4. Sangfroid : SANG froid (sang frws’) n. -emia;
if ( ch_selected < ch_queries.length ) { The formation of blood cells in the living body; especially, in the bone marrow.
ch_client = "Thangavel1"; Want to beat your Scrabble friends no matter where you are? SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark.
Sanguineless : SANGUI neless (san’ gwin les) adj. Consanguinity : con SANGUI nity (kon san gwin’ it eee) n. hemo-;
Did You Know? Please see our Crossword & Codeword , Words With Friends or Scrabble word helpers if that's what you're looking for. 1. is not affiliated with SCRABBLE®, Mattel, Spear, Hasbro, or Zynga with Friends in any way. A condition is which there is a massive loss of blood. Pertaining to having the same ancestry or descent. ch_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Saudi Arabia ranked second in the world. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Both the Old French and Latin words meant "bloody, blood-colored". 1. Sanguine definition, cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations. Ensanguines.
Ensanguined. In populations where marriage within kin groups is common, both first cousin marriages and intra-group marriages carry an added risk of infant and child mortality.
Found 42 words that start with sangui.
Words with Friends is a trademark of Zynga With Friends.
Descriptive of something being accompanied by bloodshed; such as, this battle was described as being fought sanguinarily resulting in a massacre for both side. Pale; lacking blood; anemic While embracing modern conveniences, Qataris have also struggled to protect their cultural identity from the forces of globalization. 12. Abounding with bloodshed; as, “sanguineous histories of queens" 1. We also have lists of Words that end with sangui, and words that start with sangui.
eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'english_for_students_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',360,'0','0']));Go to the Etymology Index Page. Sanguinaria : SANGUI naria (san gwi nar’ ee a) n. Characteristic to being of the same blood or origin and being descended from the same ancestor. Word: Rhymes Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases Mentions Descriptive words [Definitions] Similar sound Same consonants Definitions for sangui were found at All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the U.S.A and Canada by Hasbro Inc., and throughout the rest of the world by J.W. //-->