If you don’t have a credit card then you must complete the paper application form which is available for you to print from the appropriate web page, depending on the application type. Do I need to use a different project for each Key Competency?It is acceptable to reference the same major project in multiple Key Competency examples as long as you describe the specific actions that you took to demonstrate each Key Competency. See the International Geoscience Graduates web page for details. The “Situation” and “Outcome” sections are intended to be brief; both have 300 character limits in the online system. For the Council to recognize your degree, it must meet the Canadian standard, which has been set out by Geoscientists Canada. Direct confirmation from the university provides us with confidence that an applicant’s documents are authentic. Certifying documents: You may submit a copy of original documents verified as being a true copy of the original by a professional engineer or professional geoscientist registered in Canada. The new online Compentency-Based Assessment system for engineers-in-training is online only. See the CBA web page for more detail. These are samples of actual progress reports: Where interns and supervisors have given their permission, we have left the names of both on the report. The document “Geoscience Knowledge and Experience Requirements for Professional Registration in Canada” (or the GKE) contains the details of this standard. These exams are comprised of two compulsory subjects and one elective from the appropriate discipline specific syllabus (syllabus descriptions). Any false or misleading statement on an application or relating to any document in support of this application, including concealment of any material fact, may be found to be contrary to the APEGS. If you had more than one supervisor for a particular example, talk to your supervisors and choose the one who makes the most sense. Part one consisted of a list of 15 work performance areas that may be negatively affected by a person's level of stress. Portions of the "Situation" section may be repeated, but entire examples may not be. However, it is highly recommended that you submit reports on time so that there is an opportunity for feedback. During this six-week time period, you are entitled to use the designation(s) for which you were approved. You must log in or register to reply here. What are the requirements for references for Licensee applicants? FAQs pertaining to international graduate (member-in-training) applications: FAQs pertaining to work experience reporting (for members-in-training): Engineering Licensee and Geoscience Licensee, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan, Communications & Public Relations Committee, Inter-Association Mobility - Professional Member, Inter-Association Mobility - Member-in-training, Inter-Association Mobility - Eng/Geo Licensee, Exceptional Engineering Geoscience Project Award, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program, PD-Environmental Science & Sustainable Development, PD-Post-Secondary Institutions in Saskatchewan, http://www.engineerscanada.ca/e/pr_mobility_2.cfm, You have a bachelor degree accredited under a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). How many years of experience do I need to be able to apply as a Licensee? My work conditions are confidential. APEGS mandates this process. Do all of my Validators need to be professional engineers? Can I submit all four years in one report if I had the same job the entire time? It depends on the specific details of the agreement. What does “official” course descriptions mean? Please ensure that the domain name “apegs.ca” is not blocked. What are the Engineers Canada Syllabus descriptions? APEGS annual dues contain two components: a membership fee and a licence fee. See section 3.5.1 – Selecting Validators for full instructions. How many Validators do I need?Only two of your four* Validators need to be professional engineers (or equivalent). What are the requirements for references on the professional member application? Keep in mind that the Validators who submit feedback must cover at least four* years of experience (*five years for Academic Review Cases). ... please identify which supervisor each example pertains to. It is common for members-in-training to not understand the level of detail required.Who do I contact if I have questions?If you still have questions after reading the guide in its entirety, send your questions to experience-review@apegs.ca.What is a Validator and who is qualified to be a Validator?A Validator is normally the supervisor, whether they are a professional or not (P.Eng., P.Geo., Engineering Licensee, Geoscience Licensee or equivalent). You must use a credit card (Visa, MasterCard or AMEX) to apply online. To get started, go to Start Application. How much information am I required to submit as part of my submission? APEGS does not waive membership fees. If you are paying with cash or debit you must visit the APEGS office in person. How long will it take to get the results of my academic assessment? An applicant must nominate four or more referees with first-hand (supervisory or in a review capacity) knowledge of the applicant’s work. Check the application fee table for the current processing fees. This is called the Master List check. I am registered as a Provisional Licensee in another Association. Note that it is not possible to get a licence waiver a second time in the same calendar year.Also note that you are not eligible for a licence waiver if you are residing in Saskatchewan and you are working at any job, including non-engineering and non-geoscience jobs. APEGS calls these types of applications "Inter-Association Mobility". You must contact the specific Association(s) to determine the acceptable use of titles in that jurisdiction. If you are already registered as an engineer-in-training or geoscientist-in-training in another province or territory of Canada, and you have completed the academic requirements for registration, you can find your application instructions under Inter-Association Mobility – member-in-training application. Protecting the public. At least three of the referees must be a Professional Engineer or Professional Geoscientist registered in Canada or the US, or an Engineering Licensee or Geoscience Licensee (or equivalent) registered in Canada. Do I need a mentor? three parts. These are like skills, qualification, specific knowledge and the overall work experience that is related to the Career Episodes. How many Validators do I need?Do I need to be supervised by a professional engineer/geoscientist?What if I had more than one supervisor during a certain period of time?What is the difference between a Validator and a mentor? If you wish, you can use the Engineering Competency Assessment System to record your employment history and examples in draft form and build your self-assessment as you gain further experience.How will I be notified of the results of my assessment?Your results are entered into APEGS Central (your online profile) in the Applications area and you will receive an email notification to fo into APEGS Central to check. Retaining your membership also allows you to vote in Council elections and at Annual Meetings and to receive communications from APEGS. You will also receive your results letter via email. Point form is optional in all three sections and is recommended for the "Action" section. It will help you understand the application process. If I already have lots of experience, why do I have to apply as a member-in-training? If you do not have a CEAB-accredited engineering degree then we require an APEGS academic assessment to determine if your education has sufficient breadth and depth, as set out in the Canadian Engineering Qualification Board (CEQB) syllabi. How long should my Competency Self-Assessment example descriptions be? Do I need to use a different project for each Key Competency? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The engineer or geoscientist must do the following: apply their professional seal, sign, date, and include the text "Certified true copy of the original document" on EACH page of the documents. This process is called "direct confirmation of graduation and degree". What are the academic requirements for a member-in-training? If you applied before April 1, 2015 then original or notarized/certified copies of academic documents have to be sent directly from the university to APEGS. How do I get around this in submitting my Competency Self-Assessment?I have only worked on two major projects over my four years of experience. Then Work Experience Record #2 should start Jan 1/11 so there is no overlap. If a Validator was not given a specific competency to rate, they will see only some general feedback types of questions.How long should my Competency Self-Assessment example description be?While there is no required minimum number of characters required, examples must be sufficiently detailed to provide the Assessor with a clear picture of the nature and level of the work performed and how it pertains to the Key Competency being addressed. However, you can submit all reports at the same time (although not recommended because there is no opportunity for feedback with interim submissions and you risk getting all reports denied due to insufficient content). After we have received your application, we will inform you if this applies to you. It is best to pay on-line in APEGS Central by selecting "Invoices". You must reinstate your license if you start practicing again by calling the APEGS office and paying the prorated licence fee for the remainder of the calendar year. For an engineer-in-training, a bachelor level university program of study in engineering that is recognized by Council is required. What is direct confirmation of graduation and degree and why is it required? See the Reinstatement page for details on when you need to re-apply and what is involved. What is the difference between getting competencies validated vs. getting a reference?