The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics also recommends choosing water if you haven’t sweat excessively, since coconut water does not rehydrate you any better than water does and it comes with extra calories and sugar. In one study, diabetic rats treated with coconut water maintained better blood sugar levels than the control group (9). Coconut water is the juice found in a young and green coconut. Coconut water typically comes from young coconuts about 6–7 months of age, though it’s also found in mature fruit. This means it might not give you enough energy for a long bout of exercise (greater than 90 minutes), but it will help you rehydrate afterward. See Also As your body recovers, your bones use calcium to get stronger and repair. In recent years, coconut water has become a very trendy beverage. It’s also a good source of magnesium, which may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes (11, 12). Keeping your body hydrated regardless of weather is essential. In another study, the same researchers fed rats a similar diet supplemented with the same dosage (4 ml per 100 grams of body weight) of coconut water. This pleasant tasting water is wondrous as it nourishes your scalp effectively that will result in healthy hair follicles and strengthen hair strands. Coconut water is a delicious, nutritious and natural beverage that’s extremely good for you. Coconut water for skin is effective for oily skin. The bottom line is that coconut water can be a great way to rehydrate after a hard, sweaty workout. An average green coconut provides about 0.5–1 cups of coconut water. This article reviews…. Electrolytes are present throughout the…, Antioxidants are mostly found in plant foods. Drinking enough fluids is important for kidney stone prevention. It has been proven as an active anticancer agent that is potent enough to sedate the growth of cancerous cells in your body. This article reviews whether…, You may have heard a lot about cleanses or detoxes for psoriasis, but you may wonder whether these methods are effective or safe. However, coconut water has less sodium, the main electrolyte you lose with sweat, than most sport’s drinks. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Probiotics It’s a major source of arginine, an amino acid that helps your body respond to stress (like the stress caused by a difficult workout). Coconuts grow on large palm trees known scientifically as Cocos nucifera. In 100ml of fresh coconut water extracted from the nut you’d expect about 2.7mg of sugar, but be aware that the branded versions on supermarket shelves are likely to be higher in sugar, ranging from 3g to 6g (about 1 tsp) per 100ml. Coconut water contains more alanine, arginine, cysteine, and serine than cow’s milk. Coconuts only grow on palm trees that are known as Cocos nucifera. Two studies found that coconut water restored hydration after exercise better than water and equal to high-electrolyte sports beverages (20, 21). When there are too many free radicals, your body enters a state of oxidative stress, which can damage your cells and increase disease risk (3). Coconuts take 10–12 months to fully mature. In another study, rats on a high-fructose diet were treated with coconut water. While it may not be a miracle cure, it does have many health benefits. It doesn’t only treat dry and damaged skin but the cytokines found in the water work as a natural moisturizer. Increased blood pressure can affect your cardiovascular health adversely. This article reviews whether mayo is safe when…, Apples are highly nutritious, but you may wonder whether they can really keep the doctor away. More research is needed in this area. Most people confuse coconut water with coconut milk; however, both fluids are different and processed distinctively. Coconut water has more than 10 times the amount of potassium of most sports drinks. Social anxiety, depression, and dating app use: What is the link? Information on this website does not constitute a medical consultation or a prescription. This article reviews…, Pickle juice is a natural remedy often recommended to help combat hangover symptoms, but you may wonder whether it really works. Coconut water contains less than 5 percent of your recommended amount of both calcium and magnesium. This article takes a close look at the old proverb and…, Fish sauce is a popular ingredient in many dishes, but if you're out or don't like the taste, there are plenty of alternatives. 11 Impressive Health Benefits of Calcium However, another study comparing high-electrolyte beverages found that coconut water tended to cause the most bloating and stomach upset (22). Despite the name, the coconut is botanically considered a fruit rather than a nut. Amino acids are essential for repairing tissues and are the building blocks of protein. Moreover, coconut water is a safe source to obtain fiber and few calories that will help maintain body weight during pregnancy. Properties of Coconut Water: 1. Calcium is vital for more than just strong bones and teeth. for health problems. Because there is more potassium than sodium in coconut water, the potassium may help balance out sodium’s effect on blood pressure and possibly even help lower it. Moreover, coconut water can work well for the severely ill patients in absence of regular intravenous hydration fluids as the nutrients found in the water function just like hydration solutions. It’s not to be confused with coconut milk, which is made from the water and the flesh inside of a mature coconut. Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides. Coconut water is the liquid that you find within the coconut itself (not to be confused with coconut milk). Here are 8 tasty fish…, Pu-erh tea offers a number of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory-based benefits to help improve overall health and well-being. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. By incorporating coconut water into your diet, you can treat various kidney problems including urinary tract infection. Coconut Water health benefits includes supporting weight loss, managing diabetes, promoting digestion, managing high blood pressure, supporting cardiovascular health and maintaining kidney health. When consumed regularly, these cytokines prevent pre-mature wrinkles, reduce pigmentation. Nutritionists recommend consuming nutrient filled coconut water when it comes to treat chronic health problems like blood pressure. While coconut water doesn’t help you rehydrate any better than water or traditional sports drinks after exercise, a study found that it was easier to drink enough without causing nausea or an upset stomach. Electrolytes are minerals that play several important roles in your body, including maintaining proper fluid balance. This article examines the evidence for and against eating soy. Coconut trees are considered wonder trees by mankind. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Despite its recent explosion in popularity, coconut water has been consumed for centuries in tropical regions around the world. As the coconut matures, some of the juice remains in liquid form while the rest ripens into the solid white flesh known as coconut meat (1). Kidney stones form when calcium, oxalate and other compounds combine to form crystals in your urine (13). Simply press a straw into the soft part of a green coconut and start drinking. A single serving is enough for an expectant mother as it contains adequate amounts of magnesium, potassium, amino acid, and vitamin C and B complex. However, to date no major studies have shown that coconut water wards off cancer. Although controlled studies are needed to confirm many of these qualities, the research to date is encouraging. Consuming more calories than needed will result in weight gain, consuming too few…. It’s tasty, refreshing and also happens to be good for you. Moreover, it is low-calorie drink with a number of nutrients that help control your increased appetite as well. Coconut milk contains about 50% water and is very high in coconut fat. Last medically reviewed on July 12, 2017, Many automatic processes in the body run on small electric currents, and electrolytes provide this charge. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine, COVID-19 live updates: Total number of cases passes 52.1 million. If you start sipping away at this tropical drink, just be sure to avoid products with added sugar. The natural electrolyte found in the water will help to ward off factors that contribute to high blood pressure. We encourage you to talk to your healthcare providers (doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc.) These can then form stones. Coconut water effectively absorbs glucose and prevents it from entering the bloodstream. In addition to all of its hydrating benefits, coconut water contains antioxidants that help to neutralize oxidative stress and free radicals created by exercise. You can’t only lose weight, but can achieve radiant skin at the same time. Coconut water may be the perfect beverage for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise. However, in case of severe pain, it is recommended to consult with your physician before considering self-medication. We include products we think are useful for our readers. That is where coconut water comes into the picture, it contains zero levels of sugar and is hence, safe to consume for diabetics. Look for fresh coconut water to get the highest levels of antioxidants. Here are 8 health benefits of coconut water. You need to incorporate foods into your diet to treat high levels of blood pressure. Coconut water is made from the clear liquid inside of green coconuts. Although it contains few calories but that will not aid in weight gain; thus these qualities make coconut water a natural beverage that you can replace with processed and excessively sweetened sods and similar drinks. Can You Treat Psoriasis with Detoxes or Cleanses? You can obtain various necessary nutrients by consuming only one glass of fresh coconut water. Experts are finding more and more benefits of drinking coconut water daily. 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Vitamin B12 They are natural molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies. Having written on virtually every topic under the sun, Brandi is passionate about health and wellness, particularly the health benefits of different natural products. Coconut water is the ultimate thirst quencher and offers a tasty alternative to water. Find out why people need calcium, which foods provide it, and what happens if they consume…, A calorie is an amount of energy that a particular food provides. Most Americans fall short of the daily recommendation for potassium. Thanks to its antibacterial properties that help ward off infectious bacteria. Known for its concentrations of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, coconut water has swept the nation. Researchers believe that coconut water helped reduce free radical production that occurred in response to high oxalate levels in urine. Another study noticed that providing coconut water to rats with diabetes led to improvements in blood sugar levels and reductions in markers of oxidative stress (10). In this article, we will look into the benefits of coconut water for the skin and face. One study found that rats with liver damage showed significant improvement in oxidative stress when treated with coconut water compared to rats that received no treatment (6). It helps muscles contract and work properly. You need to consume an excessive amount of bodily fluids to boost your metabolism. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. It washes off excess oil from the skin, preventing pimple and acne. Aids in Weight-loss Efforts. Hair Benefits of Coconut Water: 16. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. If you are able to buy a high quality brand then the coconut water you get will be mostly untouched from its natural form. Cashews are a kidney-shaped seed sourced from the cashew tree. However, controlled studies are needed to confirm these effects in humans.