We appreciate your patience during this change process. Veterans always have the option to utilize the free services provided by entities such as National Service Organizations (e.g., DAV, VFW, AMVETS, American Legion, among many others), Service Organizations, State Sponsored Veteran Service Officers, and/or the paid services of VA accredited agents or attorneys. We make this monthly payment to you separately as the adult surviving child, in addition to the eligible surviving spouseâs compensation. VA Claims Insider, LLC MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF RESULTS BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR OUR SERVICES, AND YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. Click HERE for instant free access to learn 3 VA Disability SECRETS to getting a higher VA disability rating in less time. C32/2002 REASSESSMENT OF COMSUPER AND DFRDB SUPERANNUATION PENSIONS - JULY 2002, C31/2002 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C30/2002 Income Streams Changes - Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (Further Budget 2000 and Other Measures) Act 2002, C29/2002 CHANGES TO COMPENSATION RECOVERY - VETERANS' AFFAIRS LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (FURTHER BUDGET 2000 AND OTHER MEASURES) ACT 2002, C28/2002 DISPOSAL OF ASSETS RULE CHANGES 2002, C27/2002 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C26/2002 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C25/2002 SENIOR AUSTRALIANS TAX OFFSET (SATO), C24/2002 RETRIEVAL OF PAYMENTS TO ATO - PROCEDURAL CHANGES & IMPACT ON PAYMENT SUMMARY PROCESSING, C23/2002 JUNE 2002 STATUTORY INCREASE - ADVICE LETTER, PAYMENT SUMMARY AND MEDICARE LEVY EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE MAILOUT, C22/2002 Repatriation Health Card - For All Conditions (Gold Card), C21/2002 FINANCIAL HARDSHIP RULES - CHANGES RELEVANT TO UNREALISABLE FINANCIAL ASSETS (VETERANS' AFFAIRS LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (FURTHER BUDGET 2000 AND OTHER MEASURES) ACT 2002), C20/2002 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C19/2002 Forgoing Future Military Compensation Rehabilitation Scheme (MCRS) Payments and Application of section 1166 of the Social Security Act 1991, C17/2002 Recovery of certain moneys from financial institutions paid after death, C16/2002 PENSION BONUS SCHEME - DETERMINING WHETHER A PERSON CLAIMING PENSION HAS REGISTERED FOR THE PENSION BONUS SCHEME OR IS ELIGIBLE FOR A PENSION BONUS, C15/2002 VETERANS' CHILDREN EDUCATION SCHEME (VCES) LIMITS FOR ADDITIONAL TUITION AND SPECIAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE EFFECTIVE FROM1 JANUARY 2002, C14/2002 SYSTEM CHANGES TO PROFIT ASSESSMENT RULES FOR EARLY WITHDRAWALS FROM SUPER FUND INVESTMENTS, C13/2002 INDEXATION OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C12/2002 GENERAL INCREASE TO BRITISH PENSION PAID IN AUSTRALIA, C11/2002 VALA (Further Budget 2000 and Other Measures) Act 2002, C10/2002 COMPENSATION RECOVERY - CALCULATION OF LUMP SUM PRECLUSION PERIOD UNDER SECTION 59Q, C09/2002 RESTITUTION PAYMENTS BY THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT, C08/2002 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C07/2002 MARCH 2002 GLOBAL REFRESH OF MANAGED INVESTMENTS (MI) AND SHARES (SH) MAILOUT, C06/2002 Disability Pension Date of Effect (Phase 2): Recording of Assessment Histories (Including Death Processing System, PIPS PC & VIEW Enhancements). 2020 VA disability rates are effective December 1, 2019, and disabled veterans will see the new 1.6% increase on their January 1, 2020 VA compensation payment. Your VA pension = $7,586 for the year (or $632 paid each month). Please contact us first before going to any VA location. Report B: Clients fully or partially matched who do not have appropriate residential situation, PENSION ASSESSMENT OF ACCOMMODATION BONDS, Income test assessment of accommodation bonds, Asset test assessment of accommodation bonds, Example assessment of accommodation bond draw down, Asset assessment of pensioners in aged care prior to 1 October 1997, Transfer of pre 1 October 1997 residents to new rules, Example - transfer to new rules advantageous, Cutoff of pensioner supplement at ten times age pension rate, Amount of bond agreed in writing within 7 days, Entry fee agreed but not paid prior to 1 October 1997, PRE 1 OCTOBER 1997 ENTRANTS - ASSESSMENT UNDER ACCOMMODATION BOND RULES, Transfer to new rules - treatment of existing 2 year exemption, Operation of the accommodation bond field, Amount paid assessed as accommodation bond, Amount paid assessed as entry contribution, PERSON ADVISES OF CHANGE TO INCOME OR ASSETS, Self-funded retirees with disability pension and qualifying service, Aged care residents DVA is responsible for, Reasons for appeal relating to aged care fees, ACTIONING OF RETROSPECTIVE INCOME ADJUSTMENTS, No provision for automatic processing of retrospective payments. Compensation benefits require that your disability be service connected. 1) Act 2007 Deprivation amendments, C28/2007 Funeral Benefit Paid Under s99 of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986, C27/2007 Exchange Rate Variation of Pounds Sterling - Effect on Income Support & Disability Pensioners, C26/2007 Annual Bulk Issue - 2008 Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), C25/2007 Removal of Assets Test Exemption of Income Streams From 20 September 2007, C24/2007 Funeral Benefit Paid Under s99 of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986, C23/2007 2006-2007 Budget Initiative - Reduce the Assets Test Taper Rate, C22/2007 September 2007 Global Refresh of Managed Investments and Shares Letter Production and Mailout, C21/2007 Exchange Rate Variation of Pounds Sterling - Effect on Income Support & Disability Pensioners, C20/2007 2008 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC), C19/2007 24 months Home Proceeds Exemption, C18/2007 Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. Click HERE to find VA locations and VA resources now. To apply for SMC if you are housebound or required the aid and attendance of someone to perform daily living functions complete VA Form 21-2680 and mail it to your nearest VA Regional Office in your state. VA Claims Insider, LLC is NOT an accredited agent, VSO, attorney, or entity recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and is not affiliated with the VA in any way. Find their specific pay grade in the left column of the Monthly payment rates table, and the matching monthly payment to the right. C11/1997 FILE MANAGEMENT - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION, C10/1997 AMENDMENTS OF THE VETERANS' ENTITLEMENTS ACT 1986 - DEATH DUE TO ACCEPTED DISABILITY, C09/1997 PROPERTY VALUATIONS - CASES TO BE SELECTED, C08/1997 GUIDELINES FOR EXEMPTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS FROM DEEMED INCOME RULES, C07/1997 BUDGET INITIATIVE: ASBESTOS SCREENING WWII AUSTRALIAN MERCHANT MARINERS, C06/1997 INCREASE IN PAYMENT FOR CCPS MEDICAL FORMS, C04/1997 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C03/1997 DEEMING RATE CHANGE AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (FI) ACCOUNTS INTEREST RATES REFRESH, C01/1997 Guidelines for Processing Claim for Partner Service Pension When Veteran's T&PI Application Pending, C52/1996 INCOME SUPPORT STANDARD LETTERS ON WORD 7.0, C51/1996 VETERANS' CHILDREN EDUCATION SCHEME (VCES) - RATES OF EDUCATION ALLOWANCE FOR 1997, C50/1996 NATIONAL PAYMASTER PROJECT - NEW PROCEDURES FOR PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING FORTNIGHTLY PENSION CHEQUES, C49/1996 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON INCOME SUPPORT PENSIONERS IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C48/1996 ISSUE OF 1997 TC1 TRANSPORT CONCESSION CARDS AND/OR TRAVEL VOUCHERS, C47/1996 ISSUE OF 1997 PENSIONER:SSION CARD, C46/1996 1995/1996 Budget Initiative : Increase in the Guardian Allowance, C45/1996 RIGHT OF REVIEW IN RESPECT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF REDUCTIONS AND CANCELLATIONS, C44/1996 1995/1996 BUDGET INITIATIVE: EXTENDED DEEMING, C43/1996 BUDGET INITIATIVE : REVISED PENSION LOAN SCHEME (PLS), C42/1996 REVISED CRITERIA FOR DVA/DSS CLEARANCES FOR SERVICE PENSION, C41/1996 CESSATION OF DVA HOME EQUITY CONVERSION SCHEME, C40/1996 LUMP SUM ADVANCE PAYMENT OF SERVICE PENSION OR INCOME SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT, C39/1996 CARER NO LONGER REQUIRED TO LIVE WITH OR ADJACENT TO THE PERSON BEING CARED FOR, C38/1996 SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR MOTOR VEHICLES AND SPARE PARTS, C37/1996 INDEXATION OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI) SUPERANNUATION TYPE CODE (09), C36/1996 CARAVAN PARKS MARKETED AS RETIREMENT PARKS - CORRECTION TO DEPARTMENTAL INSTRUCTION C12/96, C35/1996 ASSESSMENT OF COMPENSATION PAYMENTS FOR SERVICE PENSION PURPOSES - CLARIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION OF CURRENT POLICY/LEGISLATION, C34/1996 PROPERTY VALUATION EXERCISE STAGE 5 - UPDATE VALUATIONS, C33/1996 EXCHANGE RATE VARIATION OF POUNDS STERLING - EFFECT ON SERVICE PENSIONER IN RECEIPT OF BRITISH RETIREMENT INCOME (BRI), C32/1996 EXCHANGE RATE ADJUSTMENTS TO BRITISH DISABILITY PENSIONS PAID IN AUSTRALIA, C31/1996 UNITED KINGDOM WAR PENSIONS AGENCY'S BENEFITS, C30/1996 END DATE FOR OPERATIONAL SERVICE FOR ADF PERSONNEL WHO SERVED IN SOMALIA, C28/1996 CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT TO BRITISH PENSIONS PAID IN AUSTRALIA. Note: You can find the details of these rates in title 38 U.S.C. Hi Veterans, how would you like to learn 3 VA disability claim SECRETS from actual VA Rating Officials, aka, the people who determine your final VA rating? + $332.00 (rate for 2nd child under age 18) = $2,288.72 total monthly payment, If youâre eligible for both DIC and Survivors Pension benefits, weâll pay you whichever benefit gives you the most money. It is important to note that the same provision references (i.e., sections, subsections and paragraphs) from the SRCA have been retained in the DRCA. View VA Survivors Pension rate tables from past years: 2019 rates (effective December 1, 2018) 2018 rates (effective December 1, 2017) 2017 rates (effective December 1, 2016) Full Title 38 regulations.