A knowledge market is a mechanism for distributing knowledge resources. Data analytics and machine learning were powerful tools to help accomplish this, but notice the word “help.” Those tools will not replace the need for good and intelligent human guidance, training, and oversight. Both were not only about the human factors of KM implementation and use; they were also about knowledge creation as well as knowledge sharing and communication. [23], ChaCha.com and Answerly.com both offer subsidized knowledge markets where researchers are paid to generate answers despite the service remaining free to the question asker. Reading a few sentences in Wikipedia about some theories on the causes of the Great Depression does not mean that one thereby knows or understands this topic. The KM community uses the term “tacit knowledge” to mean what is not “explicit knowledge,” and in that usage what is usually meant by “tacit” is implicit knowledge, that which is not explicit or formally captured in some fashion, most obviously the knowledge in people’s heads. The democratization of knowledge is the acquisition and spread of knowledge amongst the common people, not just privileged elites such as clergy and academics. KM therefore extends far beyond just structuring information and knowledge and making it more accessible. As Durham (2004) points out, there are several key roles to be filled. The terms internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing; the internet refers to the global communication system, including hardware and infrastructure, while the web is one of the services communicated over the internet. But is fostering a deeply networked online social life among the proper tasks of education, independent of or in addition to or instead of the more traditional tasks of a liberal education? To be sure, other tasks are essential, especially for training in scientific and applied fields; there are some people who are very well trained for various trades without reading many books. 23-36). That it has not been is usually not a failure, but usually simply a cost-effective decision, usually taken unconsciously, that it is not worth the effort. U As a global network responsible for vast amounts of data transfer and process facilitation, the Internet is constantly evolving. The solution arises partially from the retiree’s knowledge, but more from the interaction. We talk of knowledge: all of us do; philosophers do. Many of the questions surrounding such a system are difficult to answer. The first five stages are internal to a knowledge organization (production and transfer) while the last four stages are external (intermediaries, clients, and citizens). KM, historically at least, was primarily about managing the knowledge of and in organizations. These lines are connected to major Internet hubs that distribute data to other locations, such as web servers and ISPs . This implies a role for KM that very few information professionals have had to be involved with in the past. There are typically three sources from which to supply data for an expertise locator system: (1) employee resumes, (2) employee self-identification of areas of expertise (typically by being requested to fill out a form online), and (3) algorithmic analysis of electronic communications from and to the employee. I wish the news were better. The three strands of current thought explored above — about how the Internet might change the educational role of memorization, about individual versus collaborative learning, and about the future of books and book-reading — are really just an extension of the older debate over the value of Western civilization, liberal arts, and "the canon." The reasons were that "lessons learned" was a broader and more inclusive term and because "best practice" seemed too restrictive and could be interpreted as meaning there was only one best practice in a situation. But this argument seems fallacious. It might now sound as if I am attacking a strawman, with no one really talking about wholesale replacement. [1] As would be expected, they are very different in form from traditional markets. [17] The stages are: generate, transform, manage, use internally, transfer, enhance, use professionally, use personally, and evaluate. Early in the KM movement, the phrase most often used was "best practices," but that phrase was soon replaced with "lessons learned." This raises the issue, discussed below, that KM is much more than content management. Who, if anyone, is to decide what constitutes a worthwhile lesson learned? The first step is to be alert and to establish good situational awareness. Among Lanier's well-placed points is that online collaboration in what he (along with Kevin Kelly and others) calls "hive minds" (e.g., Wikipedia) unsurprisingly tends to depersonalize and alienate us, cheapening our individuality and sapping the interest and idiosyncrasy from our writing and thinking.19. Those consulting organizations quickly disseminated the principles and the techniques of KM to other organizations, to professional associations, and to disciplines. The after action comments above under Lessons Learned illustrate this important point. The answer was a major project to taxonomize, organize, index, and retrieve massive amounts of data and records. Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, "Innovating the 21st-Century University: It's Time! A classic example of the deployment of CoPs comes from the World Bank. The experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria have made this process almost automatic in the military. The internet originated with the U.S. government, which began building a computer network in the 1960s known as ARPANET. [13] The model can function from either a supply or demand approach to knowledge markets. When and how (under what rules) are items removed? McInerney, Claire, and Koenig, Michael E. D., (2011), Knowledge Management (KM) Processes in Organizations: Theoretical Foundations and Practice, Morgan and Claypool. Y In addition, there is a key framework that helps people to understand how the Internet is changing, and where it's likely to go in the future. One problem, however, is that the regulars might have some rather idiosyncratic ideas about the subject (especially on Wikipedia), which arguably wastes the student's time. It also won't do to make the facile reply that there is no such thing as "the basics." The obvious question that arises is what is there to encourage the sales rep to share this knowledge? Well, there was (Koenig, 2000), and it was called “information driven management,” the name put forward for the “forest” at the time , but it received comparatively little exposure or momentum.