d contaminated. Do They Like To Swim?

4★ Also for rearing fry; you will find that the fry feeds off the parent's sides, yes just as you would image a mammal would feed off its mother, but this means they (both the male and the female) … This is a factor which can easily lead to improper use of some medications, which in some cases must be given in The walls and bottom of the tank should be kept as clea Some discus keepers never experience this problem, while others encounter it regularly, even if both provide apparently well balanced diets.

to a given medication, it is better to try a different one, than to reduce dose or duration.

Several ornamental fish magazines carry advertisements of companies providing advice on

This procedure is highly stressing for the fish, often ineffective since most of the food ends up being expelled through the gills, clogging them, and most of First and foremost, you need a healthy breeding pair of Discus. In addition, bacterial infections are very often secondary to injuries or parasite infestations, The second best choice among the 5 best food for discus fish is feeding your discus fish with... 3. Discus FYI.

the basis of diagnostic tests. ameters should be checked immediately (temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates). After six days, change at least

Skin flukes cause in most cases relatively slow progressing infections, often facilitated by overcrowding. Any possible disturbance in tank environment or water conditions should be avoided.

If ammonia is suspected, the simplest way to inactivate most of it is to keep the pH below 7, for example 6-6.5, so that the much less toxic ammonium is formed (many ammonia testing kits will still be positive, since they read the total of ammonia+ammo For breeding we recommend you read further articles, however in brief; 86F, pH 6 – 6.5, 0 – 5 dH. 3) A reliable and adequately powered heater with easy-to-adjust temperature settings should be used, and an airpump with airstone may help to maintain the water well-oxygenated. ests replacing the defective equipment before more serious failures occur.

If you do not want to fail in picking the best food for discus …

They take immense care of their eggs as well as the young fry.

/SUP>, 7ml/10 gal or 9 ml/50 liters should be used.

ble to keep the parasite under control4. The temperature should be a steady 82F, pH 6.5 – 7.5 1 – 12 dH.

Three administrations every other day, with a 20% water change before each dose is given.

Flagellates are occasionally responsible for swimbladder infections and may be treated with metronidazole. Decaying snails may be dangerous to the fish. At most, a mild wat

Sort by Default Order. Discus Fish; Dry Fish Food.

Our free guide can help keep your tank clean and your fish healthy. In such spec The Author does not assume any responsibility on possible negative effects related to the use of the medications and treatment schemes mentioned in this paper. It can possibly happen in a smaller aquarium, it happens all the time, but for maximum success with one of the most finicky fish in freshwater fish keeping, we suggest 75 gallons minimum well planted and well filtered. Therefore, use of aeration during treatment and a thorough clean-up of the tank at the end of the treatment period (wiping off the sides with a sponge and siphoning the bottom) are absolutel els of O2 around 2-3 mg/l are associated with major respiratory problems of discus fishes. The males are said to have dull colour but are more patterned than the females. Has been added to your wishlist! The selling cost is pricey but the package is large enough to last a while so it is still economical.

© 2020 FluffyPlanet, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCE_sR-Z2Ng, HOW TO: Feed baby discus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCE_sR-Z2Ng), How to Make Discus Grow Fastest and Biggest, Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Discus Fish, The Ultimate Discus Fish Guide – Types, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding, 27 Fun Facts About American Curl Cat Breed.

Fluke-Tabsä Malattie dei Pesci d’Acquario. Because of the possibility of involvement of different types of pathogens, a broad-spectrum and well tolerated treatment should be chosen in order to break quickly and efficiently the life cycles of the potential pathogens. 4) Nets, vacuuming equipment, buckets and any other equipment used in the quarantine tank should not be utilized, as a precaution against transmission of diseases, for any other tank. This means that the carrie Under certain circumstances, it may even prevent the eggs from fertilizing.

It is advisable to shift them back once your fry are able to eat commercial food like brine shrimp or beef heart.

good food don't give discus frozen , would rather give dry food that way you know your not putting any unwanted parasites as with bloodworm and other frozen products Read more. ituation is for example encountered with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ("Ich") infestations.

entioned fish health books. Possible early sign of stress or disease.

Today, many enjoy whole collections of brightly colored specimens, though special care must still be taken for best results.

The Best Food for Discus Fish. It becomes a real concern when it is a persisting problem, especially when it occurs in conjunction with other aspecific symptoms, such as darkening of the skin. Now this is a very crucial time for both parent Discus as well as the fry. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, page 151. Hence, when it comes to raising Discus fry, one must have a cautious eye. The tank should be understocked in order to provide the best possible water quality for the fish.

Since male Discus are monogamous, they will swim along with their pregnant female.

Fanning also helps to safeguard the eggs from the attack of any bacteria or fungus. They may get a bit aggressive, cornering a specific tank-mate to get its attention. They receive much popularity due to their majestic colours and unique patterns. What are mix breeds in Discus offspring and are they always healthy?Mix-breeds are of two types; first type is when two Discus of different backgrounds are bred, for example a wild Discus and a tank bred discus. This variety is occasionally called the Royal Discus. The hobbyist should however be aware that quite frequently o They work diligently to ensure the survival of their offspring at this fragile stage. Optimum highly nutritious fish food mini pellets, 200 g; Aquarium Air Pump.

My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. Some hobbyists do not routinely disinfest the fish coming from known and reliable sources, using the quarantine period just for observation. The new environment of the Breeding tank, and the process of breeding itself, can be quite stressful for the Discus fish.

You must add methylene blue to the tank with the help of a dropper, especially if you are raising the eggs artificially.

Among the 5 best food for discus fish, dry food is one of the best options.

9. A discussion of the pros and cons of these procedures however goes beyond the purposes of this document. Search for: Home / Fish Food and Feeders / Dry Food. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. After 48 hours, change 30% of the water (siphoning well the deposit of powder left a r does not show signs of the infection although a potential pathogen is present, and the quarantine is completed with no problems.

Therefore, there is often time to choose and find the proper treatment.