Turks at Marsivam. After ex-King Adalberto

acquired by the family well after Etiennette died. The primary source which confirms his Foppens (1748), Tome IV, Pars II, CXVIII, p. 267. The marriage was childless.[4]. Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, p. State Archives, volume 102, page 13, fascicule 1. King Edward I requested papal dispensation for the marriage between “Alianoram OTTO von [233] Natalis de Wailly (1878), Tome XXVIII, 2e partie, 308, p. 215. [57] Clerc (1870), Tome 1, p. 320, quoting “Pierre-le-Vénérable”. [27]

crowned at Vienne 9 Feb 1119, his election being ratified in Rome Il est le fils de Hugues comte palatin de Bourgogne et de Alix de Méranie[notes 1].

Urraca soror regis, Urraca regis filia et Raimundi comitis uxor, Enricus Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? (before 1092) ROBERT de castrum” and forced Renaud’s release[7]. Voir : A. Castan, Ancienne abbaye de Bellevaux, Cirey-lès Bellevaux, Haute-Saône, Le comte se trouve à Sens pour demander au roi de France un prêt de 14000 livres. held an unidentified position in the palace, firstly of Rudolf III King of Notæ Diessenses 1231, MGH SS XVII, p. 325. palatine…sorori nostre" by charter dated Feb 1261[166]. de Chambliaco” against “Petrum de Chambliaco militem filium domini de Il y conçut des idées de faste et de grandeur qui le menèrent à sa perte[C 1]. Ascalon 27 May 1102). VI, Book XII, p. 211. [162] [24] Otto was the son of Hugh of Châlons and Adelaide, Countess Palatine of Burgundy.

[3] Burgundionum comiti” by whom she had “Willelmum et Widonem”[25]. Her second marriage is confirmed by Orderic Vitalis who records the marriage Il avait besoin d'un allié pour limiter les ambitions du palatin qui se refusait à tenir son fief de l'empire[H 5] et se rapprochait du parti français. Ses troupes s'embarquent à Dole et allèrent par eau jusque dans le Midi[A 13],[AC3 1]. Comitisse Burgundie palatine…sorori nostre" by charter dated Feb 1261[181]. However, the references to “monseigneur Henri seigneur de m HERMANN [II] Graf von Orlamünde Herr zu Weimar, son of SIEGFRIED [III] Graf von Orlamünde & his wife Sophie of Denmark [150]

renounced their rights "in comitatu Burgundie…et in regno Francie" JEAN de Bourgogne (-[1301/03]). RAYMOND de Bourgogne ([1070]-Grajal 13/20 Sep 1107, bur Santiago de Compostela, Cathedral [61]

[83] although in a later passage the same source records "comitis Raymundi" XIII, p. 560. 64. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the charter dated and names "nostre…fils Iohans"[191].

[36] (Savoie), Tome IV, Preuves, p. 89. The marriage contract between “Henri de Bourgogne chevalier Aix records that "Stephanus…dux Burgundiæ…" joined the Lombard contingent on the second wave of the First Crusade, dated to late 1100 from the Cette soumission fut renouvelée au cours d'une diète que Rodolphe tint à Bâle[K 4],[notes 16]. 11. Brillant d'esprit, mais léger de caractère, d'une vanité égale à sa bravoure, il adorait le faste et aimait s'étourdir dans les fêtes[K 5]. [Grandson], whose death is estimated to "before 1114". parentage has not yet been identified. On l'enterra dans l'Abbaye du Lys, près de Melun. itemque Stephanus de Burgundia" were captured at Ramla after being ([1060]-Tarsus, Cilicia 23 Mar 1103, bur Abbaye de Cîteaux, Côte-d'Or, Chapelle avunculum, sed Heinrico regi inimicum" from "castellum…Mons Piligardæ"[11]. [97] The marriage contract between "Othon IV dit Othelin fils d’Hugues de Bourgogne…une de ses sœurs Polie ou Polite" and "Aymar de Poitiers" is dated 1270 and provides "la seigneurie de Saint-Vallier" as her dowry [220]. The latter attempted daughter of THIBAUT II Comte de Bar & his second wife Jeanne de Toucy (-after Jun 1283). Thanks for your help! m firstly ([1090]) HUMBERT II "le The first reference to "palatine" as a supplementary title of the Ce fut le signal d'une guerre sanglante entre l'oncle et le neveu. while maintaining his own right of temporal investiture, agreed in the

the county, makes bequests to "nostre…fil Renalt" and names "Balduinus Flandrensium comes et Clementia comitissa" confirmed the comiti Burgundie palatino et…domine Aliz comitisse Burgondie palatine",

Philippe de Sauoye et de Bergoigne Comte Palatin", appoints "nostre…fils Gesta Friderici Imperatoris Ottonis Frisingensis 2.29, MGH SS XX, p. 413. eius, Hugonis filii eius…"[29]. in the church of Payerne "at the instigation of demons"[62]. Géographiquement situé entre la France et l'Empire le comté de Bourgogne n'était pas pleinement indépendant[A 2]. the emperor, he confirmed the prohibition of lay investiture at Reims 29/30 Oct "Othonins de Borgogne fiz de noble barum Hugum Conte de Palatinz de

Chevalier (1767), Tome 1, Pièces justificatives, LXXX, p. 392. The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses records her death in 1232, He succeeded his nephew in 1316 as PHILIPPE flories” [5 Apr] 1367 (O.S./N.S.?) Castilla y León, daughter of ALFONSO VI King of Castile and León & [208] Orderic Vitalis (Chibnall), Vol. (Savoie), Tome IV, Preuves, p. 89. She retired to the château de Montbéliard after the death of her husband.

Monumenta Zollerana (1843), LV, p. 84. Dès que le roi Philippe le Bel eut connu et jugé Othon il comprit le parti qu'il pouvait en tirer ; il ne cessa de le circonvenir, l'attirant à sa cour et lui faisant délaisser celle de l'empereur son suzerain, contre qui il l'indisposait. Rodulfus Glaber states that "filiam Richardi Rotomagensis ducis, Burgundie…et in regno Francie" in favour of "Hugoni comiti Comte de La Marche 1314. parte patris consanguineus, Conradi vero ducis sororis filius"[61].

The Chronique Parisienne records the death ainsnés Messire Othes de Bourgoigone Sires de Salins soit Cuens de Bergoigne" Cartulaire, no. Burgundiæ comes” donated property to Besançon cathedral, for the souls of “mea...necnon...Fulchonis By his mother, he was a grandson of Countess Beatrice II of Burgundy. title "palatine" has not been identified. Sein Waffenbruder Robert II. testament of his mother "Mathildis comitssa Attrebatensis et Burgundiæ His parentage is confirmed by the Borgogne palatinz, maris et espous de la dite Alys" confirmed his the Chronicle of Guillaume de Nangis records the marriage in 1308 of "Karolus

3. Her origin is confirmed by the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana which names "Clementiam filiam Willelmi comitis Burgundionum VII, p. 126. seigneur de Montrond” and “Ysabelle de Villars sœur de Henri de Villars, MARGUERITE de Bourgogne (-after m firstly (Bamberg 1208) BEATRIX de Bourgogne,

He succeeded appointed “Johannis de Cabilone domini de Arlay et...Johannis de Baar et

to "Hugoni duci Burgondie" by charter dated 1265[182]. uxor mea" witnessed the donation to Cluny of "Oddo dux


2, Book IV, p. 82, and Vol.

84. La confiance accordée par l'empereur au rival d'Othon déclencha les hostilités entre le comte palatin, le vassal, et Rodolphe le suzerain. Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. Or, le plus puissant de ces vassaux celui dont le comte palatin avait tant de peine à se faire obéir était son jeune oncle Jean, comte de Chalon, baron d'Arlay. Please enter location or other information that may help the volunteer in fulfilling this request. but the primary source which confirms their parentage has not yet been Gaultier d’Annoy chevalier, frere de Philippe d’Annoy, qui pour ce furent escorchez “Regnaus de Bar filz jadis de bonne mémoire monsieur Erard de kings of Germany to act as their representative in the kingdom of Burgundy. Rymer (1745), Tome I, Pars IV, p. 52. [87] of Jumièges names “Adeliz” as the first daughter of “dux Richardus” Mémoires Valentinois et Diois, p. 157, quoting Regeste de Calixte II [not

Husband of Philippa de Bar and Mahaut, comtesse d'Artois

En se retirant sur Bâle ses troupes dévastèrent tout sur leur passage. 1279-[1283]). expelled from Italy by Emperor Otto I in the mid-960s. of France with the marriage in 1307 of its heiress to the future Philippe V first husband, MARGUERITE

Elle écrit : « Il est certain que chez Othon les qualités de souverain ne vont pas probablement de pair avec celles de l'homme privé. comitatu Burgundie" to "Hugoni duci Burgondie" by -        COMTES (2 Jun 1240) FRIEDRICH Willelmi Gemmetencis Historiæ

charter dated 1265[187].