. Putting aside questions of identifiable mental illness, there is a way in which Pound, in the Cantos, is often just not in touch with rationality as we ordinarily understand it. And certainly the madness of Pound's later years is just waiting here. You want to reject Pound, as you want to reject Celine, for his politics, and for his role in the tragedy of the 20th century. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. June 17th 1996 In this regard, modulation of antigen-specific adaptive immune responses may be well suited to selectively target proatherogenic responses while preserving other protective processes like host-defense and wound healing. The treatment was administered quarterly at 3 different doses (50, 150, and 300 mg). Delmore Schwartz said about The Cantos, "They are one of the touchstones of modern poetry. Demented genius at that. However, this interpretation is not applicable to advanced atherosclerotic lesions where SMC enrichment—especially within the fibrous cap—is universally considered beneficial. There are moments of clarity that remind me of old Pound, but Old Pound spreads them out so far across the work that I forget why I'm still reading. organization. The rest is in the music. In fact, the US government charged him with treason in 194. Perhaps this reveals an important lesson for researchers that as we continue to make progress on anti-inflammatory therapies for cardiovascular disease, we should be vigilant for data that may support a benefit of therapy in another disease context. Sit down and wait for them to crumble.” These lines, written by Basil Bunting, are about Ezra Pound’s Cantos, one of the pillars of Modernism. Then some are incomprehensible limbos. A primary source is a work that is being studied, or that provides first-hand or direct evidence on a topic. Another interesting characteristic of the CANTOS trial that alludes our current preclinical models is the concept of residual inflammatory risk.7 Lipid-lowering therapies are the mainstay for treating patients at high-risk for cardiovascular disease, and pioneering results from several large-scale clinical trials suggest that most patients with cardiovascular disease should be on high-intensity statin therapy, meaning that the average patient has more than a 50% reduction in their LDL cholesterol level.8,9 In addition, these studies revealed a potent anti-inflammatory benefit of statin therapy. However, the problem is more complex than this—we must also be able to identify those most at risk for the potential harmful effects of anti–IL-1β treatment including fatal infection. Difficult, difficult read.
The Pisan Cantos were published in 1948 by New Directions and in the following year won the Bollingen Prize for poetry, awarded by the Library of Congress. Lewis is, natheless, as the tree, having never been (nor yet is he to be) seen as much, if seen.
However, even this interpretation is overly simplistic, as we now have good evidence that SMC can perform a multitude of functions within the lesion and that their overall impact on lesion stability can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the nature of their phenotypic and associated functional transitions.16–18 However, this confusion highlights the critical need for increased understanding of the impact of anti-inflammatory strategies on all major lesion cell types and, especially, on extracellular matrix-producing cells responsible for forming a protective fibrous cap. The Cantos really has no plot. Well, yes, but to what extent? This June, as we observe LGBTQ Pride—the annual celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning communities—we... To see what your friends thought of this book, i have a new directions edition (simple black cover with "the cantos of ezra pound" in white, nothing else) that is strictly the cantos, no analysis. I think the use of Chinese, Greek, Latin, German, French, Spanish and other languages serve to show the universality of these voices that throughout history have threaded the world we. A sheep to Tiresias only, black and a bell-sheep. I could read this book again and again forever and still not completely get it, but it is one amazing book. In CANTOS, 91% of patients were on statin therapy and the mean LDL cholesterol was relatively well controlled at 82 mg/dL. As we look to the future, it will be interesting whether this becomes a part of our personalized approaches to cardiovascular care, where patients with proatherogenic clonal hematopoiesis are more aggressively targeted with anti-inflammatory medications.
Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in early-to-mid 20th century poetry.
In the Cretan’s phrase, with the golden crown, Aphrodite, Cypri munimenta sortita est, mirthful, orichalchi, with golden, Girdles and breast bands, thou with dark eyelids. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our, XLV